1. Gender-Related Differences in Heroin Use Kail, Barbara Lynn 1981 Theses Social serviceGender identitySex role
3. Aryan Mundus and Sexual Inversion: Eliot's Edition of Nightwood Vandenburg, Margaret 1998 Articles LiteratureGender identitySex role
4. Gender politics: The political salience of marriage Edlund, Lena; Pande, Rohini 2002 Reports EconomicsGender identitySex role
5. The Influence of Women and Racial Minorities Under Panel Decision Making on the U.S. Court of Appeals Farhang, Sean; Wawro, Gregory J. 2002 Reports LawGender identitySex roleWomen's studies
6. Oeditorial Repression: The Case Histories of Hemingway and the Fitzgeralds Vandenburg, Margaret 2005 Articles LiteratureGender identitySex role
7. Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies Marcus, Sharon 2006 Articles Feminism and the artsFeminism and higher educationFeminist criticismGender identitySex roleWomen's studies
8. Gendered Subjects of Transitional Justice Franke, Katherine M. 2006 Articles Civil rightsTransitional justiceSex and lawCivil lawLawGender identitySex role
9. Review Essay: Stephen Kolsky, The Ghost of Boccaccio: Writings on Famous Women in Renaissance Italy Cavallo, Jo Ann 2006 Reviews LiteratureGender identitySex role
10. Gender Inequalities in Education Buchmann, Claudia; DiPrete, Thomas A.; McDaniel, Anne 2007 Reports Gender identitySex roleEducation