1. Efficient Computation of Polymer Conformation Energy Stellman, Steven D.; Froimowitz, Mark; Gans, Paul J. 1971 Articles EpidemiologyMathematics
2. Comparative epidemiology of tobacco-related cancers Wynder, Ernst L.; Stellman, Steven D. 1977 Articles EpidemiologyPublic healthOncology
3. Impact of new smoking trends on women's occupational health Mushinski, Margaret H.; Stellman, Steven D. 1978 Articles EpidemiologyMedicine, Industrial
4. The Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in 785 United States Caucasian Women Wynder, E. L.; MacCornack, F. A.; Stellman, Steven D. 1978 Articles EpidemiologyBreast--Cancer--EpidemiologyBreast--Cancer--PatientsBreast--Cancer--Risk factors
5. Impact of Long-Term Filter Cigarette Usage on Lung and Larynx Cancer Risk: A Case-Control Study Stellman, Steven D.; Wynder, Ernst L. 1979 Articles EpidemiologyOncologyPublic health
6. Artificial Sweetener Use and Bladder Cancer: A Case-Control Study Wynder, Ernst L.; Stellman, Steven D. 1980 Articles EpidemiologyOncologyNutrition
7. Cervix cancer and cigarette smoking: a case-control study Stellman, Steven D.; Austin, Harland; Wynder, Ernst L. 1980 Articles EpidemiologyOncologyCervix uteri--CancerSmoking--Health aspectsSocial status
8. Tobacco Usage in France: An Epidemiological Study Wynder, Ernst L.; Mushinski, Margaret H.; Stellman, Steven D.; Choay, Patrick 1981 Articles Public healthOncologyEpidemiology
9. Women's Occupations, Smoking, and Cancer and Other Diseases Stellman, Steven D.; Stellman, Jeanne M. 1981 Articles EpidemiologyPublic health
10. A Different Perspective on Breast Cancer Risk Factors: Some Implications of the Nonattributable Risk Seidman, Herbert; Stellman, Steven D.; Mushinski, Margaret H. 1982 Articles OncologyEpidemiologyMedicine