31. Is There a Role for Preservation Planning in a Favela? Groves, Laura 2015 Theses City planningCommunity development, UrbanHistoric preservation--PlanningSustainable development
32. Rio das Pedras. A Toolbox for Community Improvement De Castro Mazarro, Alejandro; Tovar-Restrepo, Marcela; Altskan, Alexander; Book, Rebecca Rand; Fleisher, Hannah; George, Jessica; Groves, Laura; Liu, Chang; Smith, Da'Quallon; Sun, Xiaotian; Krassner, Anne 2014 Reports City planningCommunity developmentCommunity development, UrbanSquatter settlements
33. Small Scale/Global Ambition: Strategies of Architectural Production and Global Urban Competitiveness in Medellín, Colombia Calvin, Ellis 2014 Theses City planningCommunity development, UrbanHousingEqualityEconomic development
34. The Effect of Urban Conflict and the Role of Community-Based Initiatives in Baghdad Almukhtar, Sarah 2014 Theses City planningCommunity development, UrbanPostwar reconstruction
35. The Environmental Paradox of the City, Landscape, Urbanism, and New Urbanism Kelbaugh, Douglas 2014 Articles Sustainable urban developmentLandscape designUrban landscape architectureLandscape design--Environmental aspectsUrban landscape architecture--Environmental aspectsEcological landscape designCommunity development, UrbanSustainabilityLandscape architectureCity planning
36. The Making of Public Open Space Accessible to Underserved Populations in Urban Village Zhang, Xiaowan 2014 Theses City planningCommunity development, UrbanMigrant labor--Housing
37. The Red Zone: Why Beijing’s air pollution crisis is more complicated than you think Schipani, Samantha 2014 Articles Air--Pollution--Economic aspectsCommunity development, UrbanAir--Pollution--Environmental aspectsClimatic changesSustainability
38. A Renaissance City: Analyzing the Role of Arts and Cultural Infrastructure in the Revitalization of Cleveland Koos, Sarah R. 2013 Theses City planningArt and societyCultural property--ProtectionCommunity development, UrbanUrban renewal
39. Environmental Challenges Facing a Growing City: Sunyani Case Study Anane, Edward Twum 2013 Articles Community development, UrbanSustainable urban developmentSustainable development--Social aspectsPopulationUrbanizationCities and towns--GrowthSustainabilityCity planning
40. Planning for Socially-Mixed Housing in Paris, France and its Implications on Neighborhood Development Kogan, Millay 2013 Theses Community development, Urban--PlanningHousing--PlanningHousing policy--Social aspectsCommunity development, UrbanCity planningPublic policy (Law)