1. An Examination of the Effects of Prescriptive Stereotype Violations about Competence on East Asians Ratings of Leadership Potential Yu, Hong 2024 Theses Organizational behaviorAsian AmericansEast AsiansStereotypes (Social psychology)Leadership--Social aspectsPerformance--Social aspectsRacism--Psychological aspects
2. “Roots and Wings”: A Grounded Theory Study on the Racial/Ethnic Identity and Activist Identity Development Experiences of Asian American Activists Chang, Jennifer 2022 Theses Asian AmericansCounseling psychologyCommunity activistsMinority activistsPolitical activists
3. SEA-ing Ourselves, SEA-ing Each Other: Toward Healing-Centered Re-Memory Tran, Van Anh 2022 Theses Social sciencesAsian AmericansSoutheast AsiansRefugees--Social conditionsImmigrants--Social conditionsBelonging (Social psychology)
4. The Impacts of Anti-Asian Discrimination on Recent Asian American Voting Behavior: Do Anti-Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander violence and personal experiences of discrimination motivate Asian American turnout in federal general elections between 2000 and 2020? Liu, Joyce Z. 2022 Theses Asian AmericansAsian Americans--Politics and governmentHawaiiansHawaiians--Politics and governmentPacific Islander AmericansPacific Islander Americans--Politics and governmentVictims of hate crimesRace discriminationVotingPolitical science
5. Exiled Envoys: Korean Students in New York City, 1907-1937 Park, Jean H. 2021 Theses HistoryAsian AmericansJapanese Occupation of Korea (1910-1945)College students--Political activityKoreans--Education
6. the tidal flats: a documentary-collage on asian-american queer kinship Chen, Liú 2021 Theses Oral historyLGBTQ+ peopleAsian AmericansKinshipFamily histories
7. The Development and Validation of the Workplace Racial Microaggression Scale for Asians and Asian Americans (WRMS-AAA) Nguyen, Duoc Van 2020 Theses Organizational behaviorAsian AmericansRace discrimination--Psychological aspectsMicroaggressionsBurn out (Psychology)
8. Experiences of Name-Based Microaggressions within the South Asian American Population Srinivasan, Ranjana 2019 Theses Counseling psychologyAsian AmericansMicroaggressionsRacismRacism--Psychological aspectsNames, Personal
9. Global lung function initiative 2012 reference values for spirometry in Asian Americans Zhang, Jingzhou; Hu, Xiao; Tian, Xinlun; Xu, Kai-Feng 2018 Articles SpirometryEpidemiologyAsian AmericansLungs
10. In This Project of Undoing: Practices of Resistance and Imagination in the Collegiate Ballroom Dance Community Song, Crystal 2018 Theses Ballroom dancingBallroom dancersBallroom dancing--Social aspectsPerforming arts--Social aspectsAsian AmericansDance