1. An alternative algorithm for the calculation productivity from remote sensing data Marra, John F; Ho, Cheng, 1954- 2003 Reports
2. Baja California coring cuise OXMZ01MV : core descriptions and CTD/Rosette data : RV Melville, October 19-November 22, 1999 Van Geen, A. (Alexander) 2001 Reports
3. Oceanographic data beneath South Pacific Sea ice, N.B. Palmer Cruise 9405, September-October 1994 Giulivi, C. F; Jacobs, Stanley S., eauthor; German, E; Sutherland, S. C; Hellmer, Hartmut H 1999 Reports
4. Measurements of the total CO₂ concentration and partial pressure of CO₂ in seawater during WOCE expeditions P-16, P-17 and P-19 in the South Pacific Ocean, October 1992-April 1993 Takahashi, Taro; Chipman, David W; Rubin, Stephany; Goddard, J. G. (John G.); Sutherland, S. C 1998 Reports
5. Measurements of the total CO₂ concentration and total alkalinity in seawater collected during the SONNE Cruise 102, May-June 1995 Takahashi, Taro; Goddard, J. G. (John G.) 1998 Reports
6. NOAA Ship Malcolm Baldrige 1995 Cruises MB95-02, MB95-04, MB95-07 hydrographic data Ffield, Amy L 1998 Reports HydrographyOcean circulation
7. Bioluminescence and optical variability in the sea ('marine light - mixed layers') : moored observations in the North Atlantic Ocean Ho, Cheng, 1954-; Langdon, Christopher J; Maccio, Miquel A; Marra, John 1997 Reports
8. Arlindo mixing : CTD and hydrographic data from the August 1993 and January 1994 cruises Mele, Philip A 1996 Reports
9. Benguela Source and Transport Project (BEST) : CTD and hydrographic data report RRS Discovery cruise 202, 07 May-03 June 1993 Belinne, D. Jarvis 1996 Reports Ocean temperature--South Atlantic OceanSalinity--South Atlantic OceanChemical oceanography--South Atlantic OceanWater--Dissolved oxygen--South Atlantic OceanOcean currents--South Atlantic OceanDiscovery (Ship)
10. Catalogue of cores collected from the Southern Ocean and curated at the Lamont-Doherty Earch Observatory and the Florida State University Isley, Ann E 1996 Reports