121. Biological functions of stable microtubules : a proposed role in cellular memory Bartolini, Francesca 2008 Reports CytologyMicrobiologyCell organelles
122. Between men and gods : demons in ancient Egypt Lucarelli, Rita 2008 Reports ReligionAfricansHistory, Ancient
123. Bernini’s S. Andrea al Quirinale and Early Modern Architectural Representation Barry, Fabio 2012 Abstracts (Summaries) ArchitectureArt
124. Behavioral game theory : towards a realistic representation of strategic behavior? Devetag, Giovanna 2004 Reports Organizational behaviorEconomics
126. A paper archive of everything written: Ulisse Aldrovandi's Pandechion Epistemonicon Kramer, Fabian 2011 Reports History
128. Alternative Paths Towards the Age of Mercantilism: Revisiting the 17th Century's Economic Crisis Grenet, Mathieu 2011 Reports Economic history
129. Alternative Paths Towards the Age of Mercantilism: Revisiting the 17th Century's Economic Crisis Costantinl, Vera 2011 Reports Economic historyHistory