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2. WiSlow: A WiFi Network Performance Troubleshooting Tool for End Users Kim, Kyung Hwa; Nam, Hyunwoo; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2013 Reports Computer science
3. Why a Single Parallelization Strategy Is Not Enough in Knowledge Bases Cohen, Simona Rabinovici; Wolfson, Ouri 1990 Reports Computer science
4. Why Are We Permanently Stuck in an Elevator? A Software Engineering Perspective on Game Bugs Zhang, Iris 2016 Reports Video games--DesignSoftware engineeringComputer programs--DefectsVideo gamesComputer science
5. Whole Population, Genomewide Mapping of Hidden Relatedness Gusev, Alexander; Lowe, Jennifer K.; Stoffel, Markus; Daly, Mark; Altshuler, David; Friedman, Jeffrey M.; Breslow, Jan L.; Pe'er, Itshack G. 2008 Reports Computer scienceGenetics
6. Whitepaper: The Value of Improving the Separation of Concerns Eaddy, Marc; Cyment, Alan; Laar, Pierre van de; Schmied, Fabian; Schult, Wolfgang 2007 Reports Computer science
7. Where does smoothness count the most for two-point boundary-value problems? Werschulz, Arthur G. 1997 Reports Computer science
8. Where Does Smoothness Count the Most For Fredholm Equations of the Second Kind With Noisy Information? Werschulz, Arthur G. 2001 Reports Computer science
9. When one Sample is not Enough: Improving Text Database Selection Using Shrinkage Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.; Gravano, Luis 2004 Reports Computer science
10. When Is Nonadaptive Information as Powerful as Adaptive Information? Traub, Joseph F.; Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W.; Wozniakowski, Henryk 1984 Reports Computer science
11. When Does Computational Imaging Improve Performance? Cossairt, Oliver S.; Nayar, Shree K.; Gupta, Mohit 2012 Reports Computer science
12. What is the complexity of volume calculation? Werschulz, Arthur G.; Wozniakowski, Henryk 2000 Reports Computer science
13. What is the Complexity of the Fredholm Problem of the Second Kind? Werschulz, Arthur G. 1984 Reports Computer science
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19. Weighted Geometric Discrepancies and Numerical Integration on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Gnewuch, Michael 2010 Reports Computer science
20. weHelp: A Reference Architecture for Social Recommender Systems Sheth, Swapneel Kalpesh; Arora, Nipun; Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E. 2009 Reports Computer science
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22. W3Bcrypt: Encryption as a Stylesheet Stavrou, Angelos; Locasto, Michael E.; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2006 Reports Computer science
23. VoIP-based Air Traffic Controller Training Subramanya, Supreeth; Wu, Xiaotao; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2008 Reports Computer science
25. Visual Surface Interpolation: A Comparison of Two Methods Boult, Terrance E. 1985 Reports Computer science
26. Virtual Environment for Collaborative Distance Learning With Video Synchronization Gupta, Suhit; Kaiser, Gail E. 2004 Reports Computer science
27. Vernam, Mauborgne, and Friedman: The One-Time Pad and the Index of Coincidence Bellovin, Steven Michael 2014 Reports Computer science
28. Valued Redundancy Pu, Calton; Leff, Avraham; Chen, Shu-Wie; Korz, Frederick; Wha, Jae M. 1989 Reports Computer science
29. Using Runtime Testing to Detect Defects in Applications without Test Oracles Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E. 2008 Reports Computer science
30. Using Prosodic Features of Speech and Audio Localization in Graphical User Interfaces Olwal, Alex; Feiner, Steven K. 2003 Reports Computer science
31. Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation Valetto, Giuseppe; Kaiser, Gail E. 2003 Reports Computer science
32. Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation Valetto, Giuseppe; Kaiser, Gail E. 2002 Reports Computer science
33. Using Metamorphic Testing at Runtime to Detect Defects in Applications without Test Oracles Murphy, Christian 2008 Reports Computer science
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36. Using Functional Independence Conditions to Optimize the Performance of Latency-Insensitive Systems Li, Cheng-Hong; Carloni, Luca 2007 Reports Computer science
37. Using Focus to Generate Complex and Simple Sentences Derr, Marcia A.; McKeown, Kathleen 1983 Reports Computer science
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42. Using an External DHT as a SIP Location Service Singh, Kundan; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2006 Reports Computer science
43. Using a Model Checker to Determine Worst-case Execution Time Kim, Sungjun; Patel, Hiren D.; Edwards, Stephen A. 2009 Reports Computer science
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52. Unit Test Virtualization with VMVM Bell, Jonathan Schaffer; Kaiser, Gail E. 2013 Reports Computer science
53. Unifying Representation and Generalization: Understanding Hierarchically Structured Objects Wasserman, Kenneth 1985 Reports Computer science
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62. Tutoring That Responds to User Questions and Provides Enrichment Wolz, Ursula 1988 Reports Computer science
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71. Tractable Reasoning in Knowledge Representation Systems Dalal, Mukesh 1995 Reports Computer science
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76. Tractability of multivariate approximation over a weighted unanchored Sobolev space: Smoothness sometimes hurts Werschulz, Arthur G.; Wozniakowski, Henryk 2008 Reports Computer science
77. Towards Using Cached Data Mining for Large Scale Recommender Systems Sheth, Swapneel Kalpesh; Kaiser, Gail E. 2010 Reports Computer science
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88. Towards A Dynamic QoS-aware Over-The-Top Video Streaming in LTE Nam, Hyunwoo; Kim, Kyung Hwa; Kim, Bong Ho; Calin, Doru; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2013 Reports Computer science
89. Toward Cost-Sensitive Modeling for Intrusion Detection Lee, Wenke; Miller, Matthew; Stolfo, Salvatore; Jallad, Kahil; Park, Christopher T.; Zadok, Erez; Prabhakar, Vijay 2000 Reports Computer science
90. Topology-Based Performance Analysis and Optimization of Latency-Insensitive Systems Collins, Rebecca L.; Carloni, Luca 2008 Reports Computer science
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95. Time-Varying Textures Enrique, Sebastian; Koudelka, Melissa; Belhumeur, Peter N.; Dorsey, Julie; Nayar, Shree K.; Ramamoorthi, Ravi 2005 Reports Computer science
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