401. Performance and Usability Analysis of Varying Web Service Architectures Lenner, Michael; Schulzrinne, Henning 2005 Reports Computer science
402. Pointer Analysis for C Programs Through AST Traversal Buss, Marcio; Edwards, Stephen A.; Yao, Bin; Waddington, Daniel 2005 Reports Computer science
404. Quantum Algorithms and Complexity for Certain Continuous and Related Discrete Problems Kwas, Marek 2005 Reports Computer science
405. Qubit Complexity of Continuous Problems Papageorgiou, Anargyros; Traub, Joseph F. 2005 Reports Computer science
406. Rigid Formations with Leader-Follower Architecture Eren, Tolga; Whiteley, Walter; Belhumeur, Peter N. 2005 Reports Computer science
407. Similarity-based Multilingual Multi-Document Summarization Evans, David Kirk; McKeown, Kathleen; Klavans, Judith L. 2005 Reports Computer science
409. TCP-Friendly Rate Control with Token Bucket for VoIP Congestion Control Maldonado, Miguel; Baset, Salman Abdul; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2005 Reports Computer science
410. The Appearance of Human Skin Igarashi, Takanori; Nishino, Ko; Nayar, Shree K. 2005 Reports Computer science
412. The Pseudorandomness of Elastic Block Ciphers Cook, Debra L.; Yung, Moti; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2005 Reports Computer science
413. The Virtual Device: Expanding Wireless Communication Services Through Service Discovery and Session Mobility Shacham, Ron; Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Thakolsri, Srisakul; Kellerer, Wolfgang 2005 Reports Computer science
414. Time-Varying Textures Enrique, Sebastian; Koudelka, Melissa; Belhumeur, Peter N.; Dorsey, Julie; Nayar, Shree K.; Ramamoorthi, Ravi 2005 Reports Computer science
415. Tractability of Quasilinear Problems. I: General Results Werschulz, Arthur G.; Wozniakowski, Henryk 2005 Reports Computer science
416. Tractability of quasilinear problems. II: Second-order elliptic problems Werschulz, Arthur G.; Wozniakowski, Henryk 2005 Reports Computer science
417. Tree Dependent Identically Distributed Learning Jebara, Tony; Long, Philip M. 2005 Reports Computer science
418. A Microrobotic System For Protein Streak Seeding Georgiev, Atanas; Allen, Peter K.; Song, Ting; Laine, Andrew F.; Edstrom, William; Hunt, John F. 2004 Reports Computer science
419. An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony Protocol Baset, Salman Abdul; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
420. An Investigation Into the Detection of New Information Schiffman, Barry; McKeown, Kathleen 2004 Reports Computer science
421. Asymptotic bounds for M^X/G/1 processor sharing queues Feng, Hanhua; Misra, Vishal 2004 Reports Computer science
422. A Theoretical Analysis of the Conditions for Unambiguous Node Localization in Sensor Networks Eren, Tolga; Whiteley, Walter; Belhumeur, Peter N. 2004 Reports Computer science
423. Automating Content Extraction of HTML Documents Gupta, Suhit; Kaiser, Gail E.; Grimm, Peter; Starren, Justin 2004 Reports Computer science
424. Autonomic Control for Quality Collaborative Video Viewing Phung, Dan; Valetto, Giuseppe; Kaiser, Gail E. 2004 Reports Computer science
425. Blurring of Light Due to Multiple Scattering by the Medium: A Path Integral Approach Ashikhmin, Michael; Premoze, Simon; Ramamoorthi, Ravi; Nayar, Shree K. 2004 Reports Computer science
426. Building a Reactive Immune System for Software Services Sidiroglou, Stelios; Locasto, Michael E.; Boyd, Stephen W.; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2004 Reports Computer science
427. Collaborative Distributed Intrusion Detection Locasto, Michael E.; Parekh, Janak J.; Stolfo, Salvatore; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Malkin, Tal G.; Misra, Vishal 2004 Reports Computer science
428. Cross-Dimensional Gestural Interaction Techniques for Hybrid Immersive Environments Benko, Hrvoje; Ishak, Edward W.; Feiner, Steven K. 2004 Reports Computer science
430. Determining Interfaces Using Type Inference Li, Chun; Edwards, Stephen A. 2004 Reports Computer science
431. DotSlash: A Scalable and Efficient Rescue System for Handling Web Hotspots Zhao, Weibin; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
432. Efficient Algorithms for the Design of Asynchronous Control Circuits Theobald, Michael 2004 Reports Computer science
433. Efficient Shadows from Sampled Environment Maps Ben-Artzi, Aner; Agrawala, Maneesh; Ramamoorthi, Ravi 2004 Reports Computer science
434. Elastic Block Ciphers Cook, Debra L.; Yung, Moti; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2004 Reports Computer science
435. Elastic Block Ciphers: The Feistel Cipher Case Cook, Debra L.; Yung, Moti; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2004 Reports Computer science
437. Exploiting the Structure in DHT Overlays for DoS Protection Stavrou, Angelos; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Rubenstein, Daniel Stuart 2004 Reports Computer science
438. Extracting Context To Improve Accuracy For HTML Content Extraction Gupta, Suhit; Kaiser, Gail E.; Stolfo, Salvatore 2004 Reports Computer science
439. Failover and Load Sharing in SIP Telephony Singh, Kundan; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
440. Feature Interactions in Internet Telephony End Systems Wu, Xiaotao; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
441. Group Ratio Round-Robin: O(1) Proportional Share Scheduling for Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Systems Caprita, Bogdan; Chan, Wong Chun; Nieh, Jason; Stein, Clifford S.; Zheng, Haoqiang 2004 Reports Computer science
442. Host-based Anomaly Detection Using Wrapping File Systems Hershkop, Shlomo; Bui, Linh H.; Ferst, Ryan; Stolfo, Salvatore 2004 Reports Computer science
443. Improved Controller Synthesis from Esterel Soviani, Cristian; Zeng, Jia; Edwards, Stephen A. 2004 Reports Computer science
444. Information Structures to Secure Control of Rigid Formations with Leader-Follower Structure Eren, Tolga; Whiteley, Walter; Morse, A. Stephen; Anderson, Brian D. O.; Belhumeur, Peter N. 2004 Reports Computer science
445. Jitter-Camera: High Resolution Video from a Low Resolution Detector Ben-Ezra, Moshe; Zomet, Assaf; Nayar, Shree K. 2004 Reports Computer science
447. Machine Learning and Text Segmentation in Novelty Detection Schiffman, Barry; McKeown, Kathleen 2004 Reports Computer science
448. MobiDesk: Mobile Virtual Desktop Computing Baratto, Ricardo A.; Potter, Shaya; Su, Gong; Nieh, Jason 2004 Reports Computer science
449. Modeling and Managing Content Changes in Text Databases Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.; Ntoulas, Alexandros; Cho, Junghoo; Gravano, Luis 2004 Reports Computer science
450. Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning Using a Sparse Array of Sonars Ciocarlie, Matei 2004 Reports Computer science
451. On Decision Trees, Influences, and Learning Monotone Decision Trees O'Donnell, Ryan; Servedio, Rocco Anthony 2004 Reports Computer science
452. Optimizing Quality for Collaborative Video Viewing Phung, Dan; Valetto, Giuseppe; Kaiser, Gail E.; Gupta, Suhit 2004 Reports Computer science
453. Orchestrating the Dynamic Adaptation of Distributed Software with Process Technology Valetto, Giuseppe 2004 Reports Computer science
454. Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony using SIP Singh, Kundan; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
455. Preventing Spam For SIP-based Instant Messages and Sessions Srivastava, Kumar; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
456. Programmable Conference Server Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Singh, Kundan; Wu, Xiaotao 2004 Reports Computer science
457. Remotely Keyed CryptoGraphics - Secure Remote Display Access Using (Mostly) Untrusted Hardware - Extended Version Cook, Debra L.; Baratto, Ricardo A.; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2004 Reports Computer science
458. Secret Key Cryptography Using Graphics Cards Cook, Debra L.; Ioannidis, John; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Luck, Jake 2004 Reports Computer science
459. Secure Isolation and Migration of Untrusted Legacy Applications Potter, Shaya; Nieh, Jason; Subhraveti, Dinesh Kumar 2004 Reports Computer science
460. Self-Managing Systems: A Control Theory Foundation Diao, Yixin; Hellerstein, Joseph L.; Parekh, Sujay; Griffith, Rean; Kaiser, Gail E.; Phung, Dan 2004 Reports Computer science
461. Sequential Challenges in Synthesizing Esterel Soviani, Cristian; Zeng, Jia; Edwards, Stephen A. 2004 Reports Computer science
462. Service Learning in Internet Telephony Wu, Xiaotao; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
463. The Complexity of Fredholm Equations of the Second Kind: Noisy Information About Everything Werschulz, Arthur G. 2004 Reports Computer science
464. The Simplicity and Safety of the Language for End System Services (LESS) Wu, Xiaotao; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
465. THINC: A Remote Display Architecture for Thin-Client Computing Baratto, Ricardo A.; Nieh, Jason; Kim, Leo 2004 Reports Computer science
466. Using Execution Transactions To Recover From Buffer Overflow Attacks Sidiroglou, Stelios; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2004 Reports Computer science
467. Virtual Environment for Collaborative Distance Learning With Video Synchronization Gupta, Suhit; Kaiser, Gail E. 2004 Reports Computer science
469. WebPod: Persistent Web Browsing Sessions with Pocketable Storage Devices Potter, Shaya; Nieh, Jason 2004 Reports Computer science
470. When one Sample is not Enough: Improving Text Database Selection Using Shrinkage Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.; Gravano, Luis 2004 Reports Computer science
472. A Framework for 3D Pushbroom Imaging Ichimura, Naoyuki; Nayar, Shree K. 2003 Reports Computer science
473. A General Framework for Designing Catadioptric Imaging and Projection Systems Swaminathan, Rahul; Grossberg, Michael D.; Nayar, Shree K. 2003 Reports Computer science
474. A Holistic Approach to Service Survivability Keromytis, Angelos D.; Parekh, Janak J.; Gross, Philip N.; Kaiser, Gail E.; Misra, Vishal; Nieh, Jason; Rubenstein, Daniel Stuart; Stolfo, Salvatore 2003 Reports Computer science
475. A Hybrid Approach for Answering Definitional Questions Blair-Goldensohn, Sasha; McKeown, Kathleen; Schlaikjer, Andrew Hazen 2003 Reports Computer science
476. AIM Encrypt: A Case Study of the Dangers of Cryptographic Urban Legends Locasto, Michael E. 2003 Reports Computer science
477. A Multi-resolution Block Storage Model for Database Design Zhou, Jingren; Ross, Kenneth A. 2003 Reports Computer science
478. A Platform for Multilingual News Summarization Evans, David Kirk; Klavans, Judith L. 2003 Reports Computer science
479. Approximate String Joins in a Database (Almost) for Free -- Erratum Gravano, Luis; Jagadish, H. V.; Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.; Srivastava, Divesh; Koudas, Nick; Muthukrishnan, S. 2003 Reports Computer science
480. Comprehensive Multi-platform Collaboration Singh, Kundan; Wu, Xiaotao; Lennox, Jonathan; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2003 Reports Computer science
481. Countering Network Worms Through Automatic Patch Generation Sidiroglou, Stelios; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2003 Reports Computer science
484. Evaluating Content Selection in Human- or Machine-Generated Summaries: The Pyramid Scoring Method Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Nenkova, Ani 2003 Reports Computer science
485. Group Ratio Round-Robin: An O(1) Proportional Share Scheduler Chan, Wong Chun; Nieh, Jason 2003 Reports Computer science
486. Group Round Robin: Improving the Fairness and Complexity of Packet Scheduling Caprita, Bogdan; Chan, Wong Chun; Nieh, Jason 2003 Reports Computer science
487. Improving the Coherence of Multi-document Summaries: A Corpus Study for Modeling the Syntactic Realization of Entities Nenkova, Ani; McKeown, Kathleen 2003 Reports Computer science
488. Integrating Categorization, Clustering, and Summarization for Daily News Browsing Barzilay, Regina; Evans, David Kirk; Vasileios, Kemerlis; Sigelman, Sergey 2003 Reports Computer science
489. Kinesthetics eXtreme: An External Infrastructure for Monitoring Distributed Legacy Systems Kaiser, Gail E.; Parekh, Janak J.; Gross, Philip N.; Valetto, Giuseppe 2003 Reports Computer science
490. Newsblaster Russian-English Clustering Performance Analysis Leftin, Lawrence J. 2003 Reports Computer science
491. Parallel Probing of Web Databases for Top-k Query Processing Marian, Amelie; Gravano, Luis 2003 Reports Computer science
492. Personalized Search of the Medical Literature: An Evaluation Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; Teuel, Simone; Sigelman, Sergey 2003 Reports Computer science
495. Retrofitting Autonomic Capabilities onto Legacy Systems Parekh, Janak J.; Kaiser, Gail E.; Gross, Philip N.; Valetto, Giuseppe 2003 Reports Computer science
496. Security testing of SIP implementations Wieser, Christian; Laakso, Marko; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2003 Reports Computer science
497. Statistical Acquisition of Content Selection Rules for Natural Language Generation Duboue, Pablo A.; McKeown, Kathleen 2003 Reports Computer science
498. SWAP: A Scheduler With Automatic Process Dependency Detection Zheng, Haoqiang; Nieh, Jason 2003 Reports Computer science
499. Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation Valetto, Giuseppe; Kaiser, Gail E. 2003 Reports Computer science
500. Using Prosodic Features of Speech and Audio Localization in Graphical User Interfaces Olwal, Alex; Feiner, Steven K. 2003 Reports Computer science