302. Real-Time Visual Servoing Allen, Peter K.; Yoshimi, Billibon; Timcenko, Aleksandar 1990 Reports Computer science
303. Real-time Portfolio Management and Automatic Extensions: MS Thesis Patel, Tushar M. 1991 Reports Computer science
304. RB: Programmer Specification of Redundancy Smith, Jonathan M.; Maguire, Gerald Q. 1987 Reports Computer science
305. RAS-Models: A Building Block for Self-Healing Benchmarks Griffith, Rean; Virmani, Ritika; Kaiser, Gail E. 2007 Reports Computer science
306. Rapid Parallelization by Collaboration Sethumadhavan, Lakshminarasimhan; Kaiser, Gail E. 2009 Reports Computer science
308. Rank-Aware Subspace Clutering for Structured Datasets Stoyanovich, Julia; Amer-Yahia, Sihem 2009 Reports Computer science
309. Querying Large Text Databases for Efficient Information Extraction Agichtein, Eugene; Gravano, Luis 2002 Reports Computer science
311. Qubit Complexity of Continuous Problems Papageorgiou, Anargyros; Traub, Joseph F. 2005 Reports Computer science
312. Quasi-Polynomial Tractability Gnewuch, Michael; Wozniakowski, Henryk 2010 Reports Computer science
313. Quantum Algorithms and Complexity for Certain Continuous and Related Discrete Problems Kwas, Marek 2005 Reports Computer science
314. Quantifying Application Behavior Space for Detection and Self-Healing Locasto, Michael E.; Stavrou, Angelos; Cretu, Gabriela F.; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Stolfo, Salvatore 2006 Reports Computer science
316. Quality Assurance of Software Applications Using the In Vivo Testing Approach Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E.; Vo, Ian; Chu, Matt 2008 Reports Computer science
317. QProber: A System for Automatic Classification of Hidden-Web Resources Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G.; Gravano, Luis; Sahami, Mehran 2001 Reports Computer science
319. QoS measurement of Real Time Multimedia services on the Internet Jiang, Wenyu; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 1999 Reports Computer science
320. Putting Pieces Together: Understanding Patent Abstracts Lebowitz, Michael 1984 Reports Computer scienceInformation science
321. ||PSL: A Parallel Lisp for the DADO Machine Biema, Michael van; Lerner, Mark D.; Maguire, Gerald Q.; Stolfo, Salvatore 1984 Reports Computer science
322. Psi: A Silicon Compiler for Very Fast Protocol Processing Abu-Amara, H.; Balraj, Timothy S.; Barzilai, T.; Yemini, Yechiam 1989 Reports Computer science
323. Pruning Classifiers in a Distributed Meta-Learning System Prodromidis, Andreas L.; Stolfo, Salvatore 1998 Reports Computer science
324. Protocols for Loosely Synchronous Networks Florissi, Danilo; Yemini, Yechiam 1994 Reports Computer science
325. Protocols and System Design, Reliability, and Energy Efficiency in Peer-to-Peer Communication Systems Baset, Salman Abdul 2011 Reports Computer science
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328. Properties of Machine Learning Applications for Use in Metamorphic Testing Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E.; Hu, Lifeng 2008 Reports Computer science
329. PROLOG on the DADO Machine: A Parallel System For High-Speed Logic Programming Taylor, Stephen; Maio, Christopher; Stolfo, Salvatore; Shaw, David Elliot 1983 Reports Computer science
330. Projection Volumetric Display using Passive Optical Scatterers Nayar, Shree K.; Anand, Vijay N. 2006 Reports Computer science
332. Programming the DADO Machine: An Introduction to PPL/M Stolfo, Salvatore; Miranker, Daniel P.; Shaw, David Elliot 1982 Reports Computer science
333. Programming Internet Telephony Services Rosenberg, Jonathan D.; Lennox, Jonathan; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 1999 Reports Computer science
334. Programming and Problem Solving: A Transcript of the Spring 1999 Class Ross, Kenneth A.; Shamoun, Simon R. 1999 Reports Computer science
335. Programmable Conference Server Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Singh, Kundan; Wu, Xiaotao 2004 Reports Computer science
336. Process-Orchestrated Software: Towards a Workflow Approach to the Coordination of Distributed Systems Valetto, Giuseppe 2000 Reports Computer science
337. Process Migration: Effects on Scientific Computation Maguire, Gerald Q.; Smith, Jonathan M. 1987 Reports Computer science
338. Process Centered Software Development on Mobile Hosts Skopp, Peter D. 1993 Reports Computer science
339. Process-based Software Tweaking with Mobile Agents Valetto, Giuseppe; Kaiser, Gail E. 2001 Reports Computer science
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341. Probabilistic setting of information-based complexity Wozniakowski, Henryk 1986 Reports Computer science
342. Privacy-Preserving, Taxable Bank Accounts Androulaki, Elli; Vo, Binh D.; Bellovin, Steven Michael 2010 Reports Computer scienceBanks and banking
343. Privacy-Preserving Payload-Based Correlation for Accurate Malicious Traffic Detection Parekh, Janak J.; Wang, Ke; Stolfo, Salvatore 2006 Reports Computer science
345. Privacy-Enhanced Searches Using Encrypted Bloom Filters Bellovin, Steven Michael; Cheswick, William R. 2007 Reports Computer science
346. Privacy Enhanced Access Control for Outsourced Data Sharing Raykova, Mariana Petrova; Bellovin, Steven Michael; Zhao, Hang 2011 Reports Computer scienceComputers--Access controlComputer securityElectronic data processing--Security measuresCloud computing
347. Principles and Techniques of Schlieren Imaging Systems Mazumdar, Amrita 2013 Reports Computer science
348. Preventing Spam For SIP-based Instant Messages and Sessions Srivastava, Kumar; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
349. Presence Traffic Optimization Techniques Singh, Vishal; Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Isomaki, Markus; Boni, Piotr 2006 Reports Computer science
350. Predictive Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Hash-Joins over Heterogeneous Processors in the Presence of Data Skew Dewan, Hasanat M.; Stolfo, Salvatore; Hernandez, Mauricio; Mok, Kui W. 1994 Reports Computer science