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73. The Japanese distribution sector in economic perspective: The Large Store Law and retail density Flath, David 2002 Reports EconomicsCommerce
74. The Japanese Corporation in Transition: Current Challenges and Outlook Kobayashi, Yotaro 1995 Reports Commerce
75. The Japanese business system: Key features and prospects for change Westney, D. E. 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
76. The Japanese Asset Price Bubble: A 'Heterogeneous' Approach Barsky, Robert B. 2009 Reports Commerce
77. The (Japan-Born) "Flying-Geese" Theory of Economic Development Revisited--and Reformulated from a Structuralist Perspective Ozawa, Terutomo 2010 Reports Commerce
78. The intra-daily exchange rate dynamics and monetary policies after the G5 agreement Ito, Takatoshi 1987 Reports EconomicsCommerce
79. The Impact of Outsourcing on the Japanese and South Korean Labor Markets: International Outsourcing of Intermediate Inputs and Assembly in East Asia Ahn , Sanghoon; Fukao, Kyoji; Ito, Keiko 2008 Reports Commerce
80. The Impact of Informal Network on Rural-Based Creative Sectors in China Jiang, Hui 2014 Theses Rural development--Economic aspectsSmall businessHandicraft industriesCommunicationRegional planningCommerce