1. Between men and gods : demons in ancient Egypt Lucarelli, Rita 2008 Reports ReligionAfricansHistory, Ancient
2. Between kin and king: Social aspects of Western Zhou ritual Vogt, Paul Nicholas 2012 Theses HistoryHistory, AncientReligion
3. Classifying Christians: Ethnography, Discovery, and the Limits of Knowledge in Late Antiquity Berzon, Todd Stephen 2013 Theses ReligionHistoryHistory, Ancient
4. Rabbis and Donors: The Logics of Giving in the Ancient Mediterranean Dalton, Krista 2019 Theses ReligionRabbinical literatureGifts--Religious aspectsHistory, AncientRabbis
5. Affect in Power: Public Joy in Roman Palestine and the Lived Experience of the Rabbis (~70-350 CE) DeGolan, Erez 2023 Theses ReligionJudaismRabbisEmotions--Sociological aspectsJoy--Religious aspects--JudaismHistory, Ancient