23. The Dan Snyder Problem: The Current State of the Washington Redskins Eitches, Eliana Rae 2012 Reports Recreation
25. The Social, Cultural, and Economic Effect of the San Francisco 49ers Becoming the Santa Clara 49ers Eitches, Eliana Rae 2012 Reports RecreationEconomics
26. Golden geese or white elephants? The paradoxes of world heritage sites and community-based tourism development in Agra, India Chakravarty, Surajit; Irazabal Zurita, Clara E. 2011 Articles City planningRecreationCultural property--Protection
27. Bounded Tourism: Immigrant Politics, Consumption, and Traditions at Plaza Mexico Irazabal Zurita, Clara E.; Gomez-Barris, Macarena 2008 Articles City planningRecreation
28. Is Tourism Allowing Entrepreneurs to Have a Higher Likelihood of Evading Poverty in St. Lucia? Charles, Abigail S. 2008 Monographs RecreationEconomicsEntrepreneurship
29. Kumasi Marketing Strategy: Tourism Cacciatore, Dario; Le, Andre; Levi-Gardes, Nicholas; Lopez Reus, Antonio; Hsu, Kenny Sai-Kin 2008 Reports Managerial economicsRecreation