102. Signa et res : the pictorial discourse of the imaginary in early modern Italy Krüger, Klaus 2005 Reports ArtHistory
103. The anatomy of a memory : insights into how information is stored in the brain Miniaci, Maria Concetta 2005 Reports Neurosciences
104. What does it mean to trust in epistemic authority? Origgi, Gloria 2005 Reports Knowledge, Theory of
105. Behavioral game theory : towards a realistic representation of strategic behavior? Devetag, Giovanna 2004 Reports Organizational behaviorEconomics
107. Image and narration (from Wickhoff to the Fantastic Four) Pinotti, Andrea 2004 Reports Aesthetics
108. Now that's Italian! representations of Italian food in American popular magazines, 1950-2000 Cinotto, Simone 2004 Reports Mass media
109. Pictorial frames and textual thresholds : bitextuality in Rebecca West and David Low's The modern rake's progress Frigerio, Francesca 2004 Reports English literatureArts
111. The place of the tyrant in Machiavelli's political thought and the literary genre of The prince Giorgini, Giovanni 2004 Reports Political science
112. The young and the restless : scientific institutions in the late 17th and early 18th century Boschiero, Luciano 2004 Reports ScienceHistory
113. Transmission of repertories / contamination of styles : the case of liturgical music in southern Italy (9th-13th cent.) Nardini, Luisa 2004 Reports MusicHistory
115. Canon-making and the Italian tradition of moral enquiry Farneti, Roberto 2003 Reports Romance literature
117. Is Italy an "Atlantic" country? Mariano, Marco 2003 Reports International relationsHistoryHistory, Modern
120. Public history and the production of the "culture of Shiraz" Manoukian, Setrag 2003 Reports Islamic civilizationIslam--Customs and practices