71. Status of High-Index Materials for Generation-Three 193nm Immersion Lithography Zimmerman, Paul A.; Peski, Chris van; Rice, Bryan; Byers, Jeff; Turro, Nicholas J.; Lei, Xuegong; López-Gejo, Juan; Liberman, Vladimir; Palmacci, Steve; Rothchild, Mordy; Whitker, Andrew; Blakey, Idriss; Chen, Lan; Dargaville, Bronwin; Liu, Heping 2007 Articles ChemistryChemical engineering
72. Spin Chemistry of Guest@Host Systems: H₂@C₆₀ and Nitroxide@Octa Acid Chen, Judy Yih-Ching 2012 Theses ChemistryNuclear magnetic resonanceElectron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopyHydrogenFullerenesNitroxidesSpintronics
73. Spectroscopy of Charge Carriers at Ionic Liquid/Semiconductor Interfaces Atallah, Timothy Luke 2017 Theses Materials scienceChemistryPhysicsSemiconductorsOptical spectroscopy
74. Spectroscopic investigation of a FRET molecular beacon containing two fluorophores for probing DNA/RNA sequences Jockusch, Steffen; Martí, Angel A.; Turro, Nicholas J.; Li, Zengmin; Li, Xiaoxu; Ju, Jingyue; Stevens, Nathan; Akins, Daniel L. 2006 Articles Chemical engineeringChemistry
75. Solid State NMR Relaxation Studies of Triosephosphate Isomerase Quinn, Caitlin 2013 Theses ChemistryBiophysicsTriose-phosphate isomeraseNuclear magnetic resonanceProteins--StructureDimethyl sulfone
76. Solid phase modular synthesis of polymacromer brushes and their isolation as molecular products by photocleavage from the substrate Dach, Benjamin Isaac; Li, Xia; Turro, Nicholas J.; Koberstein, Jeffrey T. 2011 Articles ChemistryChemical engineering
77. Singlet molecular oxygen by direct excitation Jockusch, Steffen; Turro, Nicholas J.; Thompson, Elizabeth K.; Gouterman, Martin; Callis, James B.; Khalil, Gamal E. 2008 Articles Chemical engineeringChemistry
78. Single Molecule Studies of Dynamic Heterogeneities in Supercooled Liquids Leone, Lindsay 2015 Theses Chemistry
80. Single Molecule Conductance and Junction Breakdown of Strained Cyclic Disilanes Kim, Nathaniel T. 2016 Theses PolyketidesSilaneChemical bondsSilane compoundsChemistry