Thomas, Pauline A.; Greenberg, Alan E.; Weisfuse, Isaac B.; Bernard, Godwin A.; Tytun, Alex; Stellman, Steven D.; AIDS Surveillance Team, New York City Department of Health
Tempalski, Barbara; Cleland, Charles M.; Pouget, Enrique R.; Brady, Joanne E.; Cooper, Hannah L. F.; Hall, H. Irene; Lansky, Amy; West, Brooke S.; Friedman, Samuel R.
MortalityDrugs--Physiological effectIntravenous drug abusePublic health
Indians of North America--Government relationsAutonomy (Psychology)Political sciencePublic policy (Law)IndiansIndians of North AmericaNational Congress of American IndiansUnited States. Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indians of North AmericaEnvironmental lawRadioactive waste disposalLawIndiansUnited States. CongressUnited States. President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management