901. Rank-Aware Subspace Clutering for Structured Datasets Stoyanovich, Julia; Amer-Yahia, Sihem 2009 Reports Computer science
903. Rapid Parallelization by Collaboration Sethumadhavan, Lakshminarasimhan; Kaiser, Gail E. 2009 Reports Computer science
904. RAS-Models: A Building Block for Self-Healing Benchmarks Griffith, Rean; Virmani, Ritika; Kaiser, Gail E. 2007 Reports Computer science
905. RB: Programmer Specification of Redundancy Smith, Jonathan M.; Maguire, Gerald Q. 1987 Reports Computer science
906. Real-time Portfolio Management and Automatic Extensions: MS Thesis Patel, Tushar M. 1991 Reports Computer science
907. Real-Time Visual Servoing Allen, Peter K.; Yoshimi, Billibon; Timcenko, Aleksandar 1990 Reports Computer science
909. Record and Transplay: Partial Checkpointing for Replay Debugging Subhraveti, Dinesh Kumar; Nieh, Jason 2009 Reports Computer science
910. Recovery of superquadrics from depth information Boult, Terrance E.; Gross, Ari D. 1987 Reports Computer science
911. Recursion in Text and Its Use in Language Generation McKeown, Kathleen 1983 Reports Computer science
912. Redundancy Management in a Symmetric Distributed Main-Memory Database Pu, Calton; Leff, Avraham; Korz, Frederick; Chen, Shu-Wie 1990 Reports Computer science
913. Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces Dana, Kristin J.; Nayar, Shree K.; Ginneken, Bram van; Koenderink, Jan J. 1996 Reports Computer science
915. Relational Query Processing of the Non-Von Supercomputer. Shaw, David Elliot 1984 Reports Computer science
916. Reliable Network Communications Kaiser, Gail E.; Cycowicz, Yael J.; Hseush, Wenwey; Micallef, Josephine 1987 Reports Computer science
917. Reliable Synchronization in Multithreaded Servers Gu, Rui 2017 Theses Simultaneous multithreading processorsWeb servers--Computer programsSynchronization--Computer programs
918. Remotely Keyed CryptoGraphics - Secure Remote Display Access Using (Mostly) Untrusted Hardware - Extended Version Cook, Debra L.; Baratto, Ricardo A.; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2004 Reports Computer science
919. ReoptSMART: A Learning Query Plan Cache Stoyanovich, Julia; Ross, Kenneth A.; Rao, Jun; Fan, Wei; Markl, Volker; Lohman, Guy 2008 Reports Computer science
920. Repeatable Reverse Engineering for the Greater Good with PANDA Dolan-Gavitt, Brendan F.; Hodosh, Josh; Hulin, Patrick; Leek, Tim; Whelan, Ryan 2014 Reports Computer science
921. Replica Control in Distributed Systems: An Asynchronous Approach Pu, Calton; Leff, Avraham 1990 Reports Computer science
922. Replication and Nested Transactions in the Eden Distributed System Pu, Calton 1986 Reports Computer science
923. Representing Complex Events Simply Lebowitz, Michael 1981 Reports Computer scienceComputer software--Development--Computer programsComputational complexityDomain-specific programming languages
924. Representing Complex Physical Objects in Memory Wasserman, Kenneth; Lebowitz, Michael 1982 Reports Computer science
925. Reproducing Kernels for Visual Surface Interpolation. Boult, Terrance E. 1985 Reports Computer science
926. Reputation Systems for Anonymous Networks Androulaki, Elli; Choi, Seung Geol; Bellovin, Steven Michael; Malkin, Tal G. 2007 Reports Computer science
927. Requirements for Scalable Access Control and Security Management Architectures Keromytis, Angelos D.; Smith, Jonathan M. 2002 Reports Computer science
928. Research Directions in Distributed Computing and Communications Yemini, Yechiam 1983 Reports Computer science
930. Reset Sequences for Finite Automata with Application to Design of Parts Orienters Eppstein, David 1987 Reports Computer science
931. Retina: Helping Students and Instructors Based on Observed Programming Activities Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E.; Loveland, Kristin; Hasan, Sahar 2008 Reports Computer science
932. Retrocomputing on an FPGA: Reconstructing an 80's-Era Home Computer with Programmable Logic Edwards, Stephen A. 2009 Reports Computer science
933. Retrofitting Autonomic Capabilities onto Legacy Systems Parekh, Janak J.; Kaiser, Gail E.; Gross, Philip N.; Valetto, Giuseppe 2003 Reports Computer science
934. Revision-Based Generation of Natural Language Summaries Providing Historical Background: Corpus-Based Analysis, Design, Implementation and Evaluation Robin, Jacques 1994 Reports Computer science
935. Rigid Formations with Leader-Follower Architecture Eren, Tolga; Whiteley, Walter; Belhumeur, Peter N. 2006 Reports Computer science
936. Rigid Formations with Leader-Follower Architecture Eren, Tolga; Whiteley, Walter; Belhumeur, Peter N. 2005 Reports Computer science
937. Robot Active Touch Exploration: Constraints and Strategies Roberts, Kenneth S. 1989 Reports Computer science
939. Robust Estimation and Filtering in the Presence of Unknown but Bounded Noise Tempo, Roberto 1986 Reports Computer science
940. ROFL: Routing as the Firewall Layer Zhao, Hang; Chau, Chi-Kin; Bellovin, Steven Michael 2008 Reports Computer science
941. Rule Chaining in MARVEL: Dynamic Binding of Parameters Heineman, George T.; Kaiser, Gail E.; Barghouti, Naser S.; Ben-Shaul, Israel Z. 1991 Reports Computer science
942. Schema Polynomials and Applications Ross, Kenneth A.; Stoyanovich, Julia 2007 Reports Computer science
943. Schur Complement Trick for Positive Semi-definite Energies Jacobson, Alec S. 2014 Reports Computer science
944. Seamless Layer-2 Handoff using Two Radios in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks Shin, Sangho; Forte, Andrea G.; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2006 Reports Computer science
945. Searching for Meaning in RNNs using Deep Neural Inspection Lin, Kevin; Wu, Eugene 2017 Reports Neural networks (Computer science)Computer scienceNeurons
946. Secret Key Cryptography Using Graphics Cards Cook, Debra L.; Ioannidis, John; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Luck, Jake 2004 Reports Computer science
947. Secret Ninja Testing with HALO Software Engineering Bell, Jonathan Schaffer; Sheth, Swapneel Kalpesh; Kaiser, Gail E. 2011 Reports Computer science
948. Secure Isolation and Migration of Untrusted Legacy Applications Potter, Shaya; Nieh, Jason; Subhraveti, Dinesh Kumar 2004 Reports Computer science
949. Security testing of SIP implementations Wieser, Christian; Laakso, Marko; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2003 Reports Computer science
950. Segmentation of Specular Highlights from Object Surfaces Wolff, Lawrence B. 1988 Reports Computer science
951. Selfish Optimization in Computer Networks Yemini, Yechiam 1981 Reports Computer scienceMathematical optimization--Computer programsComputer network protocolsComputer algorithms
952. Self-Managing Systems: A Control Theory Foundation Diao, Yixin; Hellerstein, Joseph L.; Parekh, Sujay; Griffith, Rean; Kaiser, Gail E.; Phung, Dan 2004 Reports Computer science
953. Self-monitoring Monitors Stolfo, Salvatore; Greenbaum, Isaac; Sethumadhavan, Lakshminarasimhan 2009 Reports Computer science
954. Semantic Ranking and Result Visualization for Life Sciences Publications Stoyanovich, Julia; Mee, William; Ross, Kenneth A. 2009 Reports Computer scienceInformation science
955. Separable Image Warping with Spatial Lookup Tables Wolberg, George; Boult, Terrance E. 1989 Reports Computer science
956. Sequence Comparison with Mixed Convex and Concave Costs Eppstein, David 1988 Reports Computer science
957. Sequential Challenges in Synthesizing Esterel Soviani, Cristian; Zeng, Jia; Edwards, Stephen A. 2004 Reports Computer science
958. Service Composition in a Global Service Discovery System Arabshian, Knarig; Dickmann, Christian; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2007 Reports Computer science
959. Service Interface and Replica Management Algorithm for Mobile File System Clients Tait, Carl D.; Duchamp, Dan 1991 Reports Computer science
960. Service Learning in Internet Telephony Wu, Xiaotao; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2004 Reports Computer science
961. Serving datacube Tuples from Main Memory Ross, Kenneth A.; Zaman, Kazi A. 2000 Reports Computer science
962. Serving Niche Video-on-Demand Content in a Managed P2P Environment Brosh, Eli; Agastya, Chitra; Morales, John; Misra, Vishal; Rubenstein, Daniel Stuart 2009 Reports Computer science
963. Session-Aware Popularity-based Resource Allocation Across Several Differentiated Service Domains Mendes, Paulo; Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Monteiro, Edmundo 2002 Reports Computer science
964. Setting budgets for live debugging Arora, Nipun; Sharma, Abhishek; Kaiser, Gail E. 2015 Reports Queuing theory--Computer programsBudgetDebugging in computer scienceComputer science
965. Seven Degrees of Separation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Papadopouli, Maria; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2000 Reports Computer science
967. Shape From Textures: A Paradigm for Fusing Middle Level Vision Cues Moerdler, Mark L. 1989 Reports Computer science
968. SHIM: A Deterministic Approach to Programming with Threads Tardieu, Olivier; Edwards, Stephen A. 2006 Reports Computer science
969. SHIM Optimization: Elimination Of Unstructured Loops Ganapathi, Ravindra Babu; Edwards, Stephen A. 2008 Reports Computer science
970. Signaling for Internet Telephony Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Rosenberg, Jonathan D. 1998 Reports Computer science
971. Signalling Transport Protocols Camarillo, Gonzalo; Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Kantola, Raimo 2002 Reports Computer science
972. SIMD and MSIMD Variants of the NON-VON Supercomputer Shaw, David Elliot 1984 Reports Computer science
973. SIMD Tree Algorithms for Image Correlation Ibrahim, Hussein; Kender, John R.; Shaw, David Elliot 1986 Reports Computer science
974. Similarity-based Multilingual Multi-Document Summarization Evans, David Kirk; McKeown, Kathleen; Klavans, Judith L. 2005 Reports Computer science
975. SIMPLEstone: Benchmarking Presence Server Performance Singh, Vishal; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2006 Reports Computer science
976. Simple-VPN: Simple IPsec Configuration Srivatsan, Shreyas; Johnson, Maritza Lupe; Bellovin, Steven Michael 2010 Reports Computer science
977. Simultaneous Firing of Production Rules on Tree Structured Machines Ishida, Toru; Stolfo, Salvatore 1984 Reports Computer science
978. SIPstone: Benchmarking SIP Server Performance Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Narayanan, Sankaran; Lennox, Jonathan; Doyle, Michael 2002 Reports Computer science
979. Smashing the Stack with Hydra: The Many Heads of Advanced Polymorphic Shellcode Prabhu, Pratap; Song, Yingbo; Stolfo, Salvatore 2009 Reports Computer science
980. SMILE/ MARVEL: Two Approaches to Knowledge-Based Programming Environments Kaiser, Gail E.; Feiler, Peter H. 1986 Reports Computer science
981. Smoothness assumptions in human and machine vision, and their implications for optimal surface interpolation Boult, Terrance E. 1986 Reports Computer science
982. Societal Computing Sheth, Swapneel 2013 Reports Computer scienceOnline social networks--Social aspectsPrivacy--ResearchPrivacy, Right ofComputer security
983. Software Development Environments for Very Large Software Systems Kaiser, Gail E.; Maarek, Yoelle S.; Perry, Dewayne E.; Schwanke, Robert W. 1987 Reports Computer science
984. Software Engineering Methodologies and Life Lennon, Scott 2016 Reports Open source softwareAgile software developmentSoftware engineeringComputer scienceLinux
985. Solution of Ulam's Problem on Binary Search with Four Lies Auletta, Vincenzo; Negro, Alberto; Parlati, Giuseppe 1993 Reports Computer science
986. Solving the Depth Interpolation Problem on a Parallel Architecture with Efficient Numerica1 Methods Choi, Dong Jae 1988 Reports Computer science
987. Some Nonlinear Operators Are as Easy to Approximate as the Identity Operator Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W. 1983 Reports Computer scienceMathematics
988. Some Nonlinear Problems Are as Easy as the Approximation Problem Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W. 1984 Reports Computer science
989. Some Problems in Topographical Graph Theory Gross, Jonathan L.; Harary, Frank 1980 Reports Computer science--MathematicsTopological graph theoryComputational complexity
990. Source Prefix Filtering in ROFL Zhao, Hang; Johnson, Maritza Lupe; Chau, Chi-Kin; Bellovin, Steven Michael 2009 Reports Computer science
991. SPARSE: A Hybrid System to Detect Malcode-Bearing Documents Li, Wei-Jen; Stolfo, Salvatore 2008 Reports Computer science
992. Sparse Dynamic Programming II: Convex and Concave Cost Functions Eppstein, David; Galil, Zvi; Giancarlo, Raffaele; Italiano, Giuseppe F. 1989 Reports Computer science
993. Sparse Dynamic Programming I: Linear Cost Functions Eppstein, David; Galil, Zvi; Giancarlo, Raffaele; Italiano, Giuseppe F. 1989 Reports Computer science
994. Specialized Hardware for Production Systems Stolfo, Salvatore; Shaw, David Elliot 1981 Reports Computer engineeringComputer industry--Technological innovationsParallel programming (Computer science)Integrated circuits--Very large scale integration
995. Specification of Interpreters and Debuggers Using an Extension of Attribute Grammars Kaiser, Gail E. 1985 Reports Computer science
996. Specifying Confluent Processes Tardieu, Olivier; Edwards, Stephen A. 2006 Reports Computer science
997. Spectrogram: A Mixture-of-Markov-Chains Model for Anomaly Detection in Web Traffic Song, Yingbo; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Stolfo, Salvatore 2008 Reports Computer science
998. Speculative Execution as an Operating System Service Locasto, Michael E.; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2006 Reports Computer science
999. Speech Enabled Avatar from a Single Photograph Bitouk, Dmitri; Nayar, Shree K. 2007 Reports Computer science
1000. Speeding up dynamic programming with applications to molecular biology Galil, Zvi; Giancarlo, Raffaele 1987 Reports Molecular biologyBiological models