81. After the Promise: The STD Consequences of Adolescent Virginity Pledges Brückner, Hannah; Bearman, Peter Shawn 2005 Articles SociologyTeenagers--Sexual behaviorSexually transmitted diseases--Social aspectsSexual abstinenceSexually transmitted diseases--Prevention
83. Do Parents Help More Their Less Well-off Children? Evidence from a Sample of Migrants to France Wolff, François-Charles; Spilerman, Seymour; Attias-Donfut, Claudine 2005 Reports Sociology
84. Interracial Dating and Marriage Jordan, Alysse D. 2005 Chapters (Layout Features) FamiliesSociologyEthnology
85. Negotiating Women’s Rights: Activism, Class, and Modernization in Pahlavi Iran Kia, Mana 2005 Articles Women's studiesSociology
86. Neighborhood size and local geographic variation of health and social determinants Ali, Mohammad; Park, Jin-Kyung; Thiem, Vu; Canh, Do; Emch, Michael; Clemens, John 2005 Articles Medical geographyNeighborhoodsBeamformingEpidemiologySociology
87. Temporality and Intervention Effects: Latent Trajectory Analysis of a Homeless Mental Health Program Lennon, Mary Clare; McAllister, William; Kuang, Li; Herman, Daniel B. 2005 Reports Sociology
88. Dynamics of Political Polarization Baldassarri, Delia; Bearman, Peter Shawn 2006 Reports Social psychologySociologyPolarization (Social sciences)
89. Malfeasance and the Foundations for Global Trade: The Structure of English Trade in the East Indies, 1601-1833 Erikson, Emily; Bearman, Peter Shawn 2006 Articles SociologyHistoryEconomics
90. American Reincarnations: What the Many Lives of Past Lives Tell us about Contemporary Spiritual Practice Bender, Courtney 2007 Articles ReligionSociologyHistory