1. The Representation of Social Processes by Markov Models Singer, Burton; Spilerman, Seymour 1976 Articles SociologyStatistics
2. Mathematical Representations of Development Theories Singer, Burton; Spilerman, Seymour 1979 Chapters (Layout Features) Developmental psychologyStatistics
4. A Note on Equivalence Classes of Directed Acyclic Independence Graphs Madigan, David B. 1993 Articles MathematicsStatistics
5. [Bayesian Analysis in Expert Systems]: Comment: What's Next? Madigan, David B. 1993 Articles MathematicsStatistics
6. A Characterization of Markov Equivalence Classes for Acyclic Digraphs Andersson, Steen A.; Madigan, David B.; Perlman, Michael D. 1997 Articles MathematicsStatistics
7. Bayesian Model Averaging: a Tutorial (with Comments by M. Clyde, David Draper and E. I. George, and a Rejoinder by the Authors) Hoeting, Jennifer A.; Madigan, David B.; Raftery, Adrian E.; Volinsky, Chris T.; Clyde, M.; Draper, David; George, E. I. 1999 Articles Statistics
8. Estimating Preferences under Risk: The Case of Racetrack Bettors Jullien, Bruno; Salanie, Bernard 2000 Articles EconomicsStatistics
9. Multiplicative Multiresolution Analysis for Lie-group Valued Data Indexed by a Euclidean Parameter Stodden, Victoria C. 2001 Presentations (Communicative Events) Computer scienceStatistics
10. Separation and Completeness Properties for Amp Chain Graph Markov Models Levitz, Michael; Perlman, Michael D.; Madigan, David B. 2001 Articles MathematicsStatistics