121. Understanding the "Family Gap" in Pay for Women with Children Waldfogel, Jane 1998 Articles FamiliesLabor economics
122. Understanding Young Women's Marriage Decisions: The Role of Labor and Marriage Market Conditions Blau, Francine D.; Kahn, Lawrence M.; Waldfogel, Jane 2000 Articles Labor economics
123. U.S. Trade with Developing Countries and Wage Inequality Sachs, Jeffrey D.; Shatz, Howard J. 1996 Articles Managerial economicsLabor economics
124. Washington State's Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training Program (I-BEST): New Evidence of Effectiveness Zeidenberg, Matthew; Cho, Sung-Woo; Jenkins, Paul Davis 2010 Reports Community collegesLabor economics
125. Why Has Wage Dispersion Grown in Mexico? Is It the Incidence of Reforms of Growing Demand for Skills? Cragg, Michael; Epeaum, Mario 1995 Reports Labor economics
126. Women's Employment in Mexico De la Cruz Toledo, Elia 2014 Theses Women--EmploymentWages--WomenLabor economicsSocial service
127. Work, Welfare, and Child Maltreatment Paxson, Christina; Waldfogel, Jane 2002 Articles FamiliesLabor economics