6261. Acoustic provinces of the North Pacific based on deep-sea cores : a preliminary survey Horn, David R; Horn, B. M. (Horn, Barbara M.); Delach, M. N. (Marilyn N.) 1967 Reports Marine sediments--Sampling--North Pacific RegionUnderwater acoustics--North Pacific Region
6262. Delineation of sea floor roughness in the North Pacific Markl, R. G; Bryan, G. M. (George M.) 1967 Reports Ocean bottom--Pacific OceanSubmarine topography--Pacific Ocean
6263. Delineation of sea floor roughness in the western North Atlantic Markl, R. G. (Rudi G.); Bryan, G. M. (George M.); Ewing, J. I. (John I.) 1967 Reports Ocean bottom--Atlantic OceanSubmarine topography--Atlantic Ocean
6264. Dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (A.C.C.) Ichiye, Takashi, 1921- 1967 Reports Ocean currents--Antarctic Ocean
6265. Some towed line hydrophone arrays for seismic reflection profiling Windisch, C. C. (Charles C.); Ewing, J. I. (John I.) 1967 Reports HydrophoneSeismic reflection methodMarine geophysics
6266. Synoptic measurements of geomagnetic field spectra Heirtzler, J. R. (James R.); Davidson, Maurice James, 1931- 1967 Reports GeomagnetismSpectrum analysis
6267. The sound channel in the Bermuda-Barbados region : April-July, 1964 Piip, Ants T 1967 Reports Sound--TransmissionUnderwater acoustics
6268. Tidal variation of hydrography of Block Island Sound observed in August 1965 Ichiye, Takashi, 1921- 1967 Reports Tides--Rhode IslandHydrography--Rhode Island
6269. Acústica submarina 1966 Reports Underwater acoustics--Atlantic OceanAcoustical engineering--Atlantic Ocean
6270. Internal waves in the Arctic Ocean Yearsley, John Ross 1966 Reports Internal wavesOcean waves--Mathematical modelsOceanography--Arctic Ocean