951. Application Layer Feedback-based SIP Server Overload Control Shen, Charles; Schulzrinne, Henning G.; Nahum, Erich 2008 Reports Computer science
952. Approximating a Global Passive Adversary Against Tor Chakravarty, Sambuddho; Stavrou, Angelos; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2008 Reports Computer scienceComputer networksComputer networks--Security measures
953. Automatic User Interaction Detection and Scheduling with RSIO Zheng, Haoqiang; Nieh, Jason 2008 Reports Computer science
954. Autotagging to Improve Text Search for 3D Models Goldfeder, Corey; Allen, Peter K. 2008 Reports Computer science
955. Classifying High-Dimensional Text and Web Data using Very Short Patterns Malik, Hassan H.; Kender, John R. 2008 Reports Computer science
956. CPU Torrent -- CPU Cycle Offloading to Reduce User Wait Time and Provider Resource Requirements Sheth, Swapneel Kalpesh; Kaiser, Gail E. 2008 Reports Computer science
957. Deux: Autonomic Testing System for Operating System Upgrades Wu, Leon L.; Kaiser, Gail E.; Nieh, Jason; Murphy, Christian 2008 Reports Computer science
958. Distributed eXplode: A High-Performance Model Checking Engine to Scale Up State-Space Coverage Keetha, Nageswar; Wu, Leon Li; Kaiser, Gail E.; Yang, Junfeng 2008 Reports Computer science
959. Distributed Firewall For MANETs Alicherry, Mansoor; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Stavrou, Angelos 2008 Reports Computer science
960. Exploring a Few Good Tuples From a Text Database Jain, Alpa; Srivastava, Divesh 2008 Reports Computer science
961. Exploring Computation and Communication Trade-offs in the Design of Automatic Video Surveillance Networks Pinto, Alessandro; Carloni, Luca; Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto 2008 Reports Computer science
962. FairTorrent: Bringing Fairness to Peer-to-Peer Systems Sherman, Alex; Nieh, Jason; Stein, Clifford S. 2008 Reports Computer science
963. genSpace: Exploring Social Networking Metaphors for Knowledge Sharing and Scientific Collaborative Work Murphy, Christian; Sheth, Swapneel Kalpesh; Kaiser, Gail E.; Wilcox, Lauren 2008 Reports Computer science
964. IEEE 802.11 in the Large: Observations at an IETF Meeting Forte, Andre G.; Shin, Sangho; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2008 Reports Computer science
965. Improving the Dependability of Machine Learning Applications Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E. 2008 Reports Computer science
966. Leveraging Local Intra-Core Information to Increase Global Performance in Block-Based Design of Systems-on-Chip Li, Cheng-Hong; Carloni, Luca 2008 Reports Computer science
967. LinkWidth: A Method to Measure Link Capacity and Available Bandwidth using Single-End Probes Chakravarty, Sambuddho; Stavrou, Angelos; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2008 Reports Computer science
968. Masquerade Detection Using a Taxonomy-Based Multinomial Modeling Approach in UNIX Systems Salem, Malek Ben; Stolfo, Salvatore 2008 Reports Computer science
969. Measurements of Multicast Service Discovery in a Campus Hong, Se Gi; Srinivasan, Suman Ramkumar; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2008 Reports Computer science
971. Mitigating the Effect of Free-Riders in BitTorrent using Trusted Agents Sherman, Alex; Stavrou, Angelos; Nieh, Jason; Stein, Clifford S. 2008 Reports Computer science
972. Newspeak: A Secure Approach for Designing Web Applications Dent, Kyle; Bellovin, Steven Michael 2008 Reports Computer science
973. One Server Per City: Using TCP for Very Large SIP Servers Ono, Kumiko; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2008 Reports Computer science
974. Operating System Virtualization: Practice and Experience Laadan, Oren; Nieh, Jason 2008 Reports Computer science
975. Opportunistic Use of Client Repeaters to Improve Performance of WLANs Bahl, Victor; Chandra, Ranveer; Lee, Patrick Pak-Ching; Misra, Vishal; Padhye, Jitendra; Rubenstein, Daniel Stuart; Yu, Yan 2008 Reports Computer science
976. Optimal Splitters for Database Partitioning with Size Bounds Ross, Kenneth A.; Cieslewicz, John 2008 Reports Computer science
977. Path-based Access Control for Enterprise Networks Burnside, Matthew Spindel; Keromytis, Angelos D. 2008 Reports Computer science
978. Properties of Machine Learning Applications for Use in Metamorphic Testing Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E.; Hu, Lifeng 2008 Reports Computer science
979. Quality Assurance of Software Applications Using the In Vivo Testing Approach Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E.; Vo, Ian; Chu, Matt 2008 Reports Computer science
980. ReoptSMART: A Learning Query Plan Cache Stoyanovich, Julia; Ross, Kenneth A.; Rao, Jun; Fan, Wei; Markl, Volker; Lohman, Guy 2008 Reports Computer science
981. Retina: Helping Students and Instructors Based on Observed Programming Activities Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E.; Loveland, Kristin; Hasan, Sahar 2008 Reports Computer science
982. ROFL: Routing as the Firewall Layer Zhao, Hang; Chau, Chi-Kin; Bellovin, Steven Michael 2008 Reports Computer science
983. SHIM Optimization: Elimination Of Unstructured Loops Ganapathi, Ravindra Babu; Edwards, Stephen A. 2008 Reports Computer science
984. SPARSE: A Hybrid System to Detect Malcode-Bearing Documents Li, Wei-Jen; Stolfo, Salvatore 2008 Reports Computer science
985. Spectrogram: A Mixture-of-Markov-Chains Model for Anomaly Detection in Web Traffic Song, Yingbo; Keromytis, Angelos D.; Stolfo, Salvatore 2008 Reports Computer science
986. Spreadable Connected Autonomic Networks (SCAN) Reich, Joshua; Misra, Vishal; Rubenstein, Daniel Stuart; Zussman, Gil 2008 Reports Computer science
987. Static Deadlock Detection in SHIM with an Automata Type Checking System Vasudevan, Nalini; Edwards, Stephen A.; Smith, Dave Aaron 2008 Reports Computer science
988. Stored Media Streaming in BitTorrent-like P2P Networks Hwang, Kyung-Wook; Misra, Vishal; Rubenstein, Daniel Stuart 2008 Reports Computer science
989. Summary-Based Pointer Analysis Framework for Modular Bug Finding Buss, Marcio 2008 Reports Computer science
990. The 7U Evaluation Method: Evaluating Software Systems via Runtime Fault-Injection and Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) Metrics and Models Griffith, Rean 2008 Reports Computer science
991. The Columbia Grasp Database Goldfeder, Corey; Ciocarlie, Matei; Dang, Hao; Allen, Peter K. 2008 Reports Computer scienceMathematics
992. The Delay-Friendliness of TCP Brosh, Eli; Baset, Salman Abdul; Misra, Vishal; Rubenstein, Daniel Stuart; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2008 Reports Computer science
993. The Impact of SCTP on Server Scalability and Performance Ono, Kumiko; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2008 Reports Computer science
994. The In Vivo Approach to Testing Software Applications Murphy, Christian; Kaiser, Gail E.; Chu, Matt 2008 Reports Computer science
995. Topology-Based Performance Analysis and Optimization of Latency-Insensitive Systems Collins, Rebecca L.; Carloni, Luca 2008 Reports Computer science
996. Towards the Quality of Service for VoIP traffic in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks Shin, Sangho; Schulzrinne, Henning G. 2008 Reports Computer science
997. Tractability of multivariate approximation over a weighted unanchored Sobolev space: Smoothness sometimes hurts Werschulz, Arthur G.; Wozniakowski, Henryk 2008 Reports Computer science
999. Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking to Automate Metamorphic Testing in Applications without Test Oracles Murphy, Christian; Shen, Kuang; Kaiser, Gail E. 2008 Reports Computer science
1000. Using Metamorphic Testing at Runtime to Detect Defects in Applications without Test Oracles Murphy, Christian 2008 Reports Computer science