1. Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Japan Caballero, Ricardo; Hoshi, Takeo; Kashyap, Anil K. 2006 Reports Commerce
2. Zambezi Valley Development Study Johnson, Lise; Toledano, Perrine; Maples, Susan 2011 Reports Natural resources—ManagementEconomic developmentInvestments, ForeignSustainable developmentLawSustainabilityInternational relations
3. Yuri Schekochikin: Crime and Punishment in the USSR Today Bardos, Gordon 1991 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityPerestroĭka--Political aspectsOrganized crimeOrganized crime--Government policy
4. Yuri Levada: Populism in Soviet Politics Jewett, Lolly 1990 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityPerestroĭka--Political aspectsPopulism
5. Yuri Gankovsky: A Soviet View of Afghanistan Monyak, Rob; Denber, Rachel 1988 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityPerestroĭka--Political aspects
6. Yuri Borisov: Soviet Historiography Reconsidered Larson, Joshua 1991 Reports SovietologistsCross-cultural studiesRussians--Political activityNineteen thirties
7. Youth of Viet Nam Online: A Study of the Vietnamese Digital Landscape Sinha, Akshay 2013 Reports Information technologyCommunicationAsians
8. Young Children in Immigrant Families: The Role of Philanthropy: Sharing Knowledge, Creating Services, and Building Supportive Policies: Report of a Meeting, January 18-19, 2006 Dinan, Kinsey Alden 2006 Reports Children of immigrantsChildren of immigrants--Services forChildren--Health and hygieneChild mental health
9. Young Children in Deep Poverty Ekono, Mercedes M.; Jiang, Yang; Smith, Sheila 2016 Reports Poor childrenPoor familiesChild developmentPoverty
10. Young Children at Risk: National and State Prevalence of Risk Factors Robbins, Taylor A.; Stagman, Shannon M.; Smith, Sheila 2012 Reports Poor childrenPoor children--Health and hygienePoor children--EducationProblem youthSocial sciences
11. Young Child Poverty in the States, Wide Variation and Significant Change Bennett, Neil G.; Li, Jiali 1998 Reports Poor childrenDemography
12. You Are Here: Site-specific storytelling using offline networks McGregor, Susan E. 2017 Reports JournalismJournalism--Technological innovationsLocal mass mediaNews audiences
13. WWW-based Collaboration Environments with Distributed Tool Services Kaiser, Gail E.; Dossick, Stephen E.; Jiang, Wenyu; Yang, Jack Jingshuang; Ye, Sonny Xi 1997 Reports Computer science
14. WTO processes would benefit from the input of civil society Sauvant, Karl P.; Naranjo, Rebecca Chacon 2022 Reports FinanceEconomics
15. Written testimony about the Columbia Social Work online program for the New Jersey State Legislature's Senate Higher Education Committee public hearing about online degree offerings by institutions of higher education Marquart, Matthea S. 2020 Reports Social work educationWeb-based instructionDistance educationEducation, Higher
17. World investment prospects to 2011: Foreign direct investment and the challenge of political risk Columbia University. Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment; Economist Intelligence Unit 2007 Reports FinanceBusiness
18. Workshop on Tropical Cyclones and Climate, March 27-29, 2006 Camargo, Suzana J.; Sobel, Adam H. 2006 Reports Science--Social aspectsAtmosphereEnvironmental sciences
19. Workplace Discrimination of the African American Woman Schwartz, Kenneth Roy; Smith, Raymond Arthur 2014 Reports Political scienceAfrican AmericansWomen's studies
20. Working Women and Cigarettes Women's Occupational Health Resource Center 1984 Reports Smoking in the workplaceSmoking cessationSmoking--Health aspectsPublic healthMedicine, Industrial