301. Foreign direct investment and keiretsu: Rethinking US and Japanese policy Weinstein, David E. 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
304. Informational Leverage and the Endogenous Timing of Product Introductions Choi, Jay Pil 1996 Reports Economics
305. Japanese banks' bad loans: What happened? Marsh, Terry A.; Paul, Jean-Michel 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
308. Japanese-style versus American-style human resource management overseas: Examining whether the data support the "facts" Beechler, Schon; Najjar, Michelle; Stucker, Kristen; Bird, Allan 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
309. Limited Arbitrage and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Strictly Regular Economies Chichilnisky, Graciela 1996 Reports Economics
310. Limited Arbitrage is Necessary and Sufficient for the Existence of an Equilibrium Chichilnisky, Graciela 1996 Reports Economics
311. Low-Wage Employment Subsidies in a Labor Turnover Model of the 'Natural Rate' Hoon, Hian Teck; Phelps, Edmund S. 1996 Reports EconomicsLabor economics
313. Market Structure and the Timing of Technology Adoption with Network Externalities Choi, Jay Pil; Thum, Marcel 1996 Reports Economics
314. Measuring Neighborhood Investments: Urban Quality of Life Expenditures by Race DiPasquale, Denise; Kahn, Matthew E. 1996 Reports Economics
316. Policy approaches to economic deregulation and regulatory reform Janow, Merit E. 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
317. Preferential Trading Areas and Multilateralism: Strangers, Friends or Foes? Bhagwati, Jagdish N.; Panagariya, Arvind 1996 Reports EconomicsInternational relations
318. Public placements of seasoned equity issues in Japan Cooney, John W.; Kato, Kiyoshi; Schallheim, James S. 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
319. Regionalism and Multilateral Tariff Cooperation Bagwell, Kyle; Staiger, Robert W. 1996 Reports Economics
320. Restructuring an Industry During Transition: A Two-Period Model Ericson, Richard E. 1996 Reports Economics
324. Social Security and Equity Investment in an Economy with Financial Intermediaries and Costly Monitoring Di Giorgio, Giorgio 1996 Reports Economics
325. The Burden of Proof in Civil Litigation: A Simple Model of Mechanism Design Sanchirico, Chris William 1996 Reports EconomicsLaw
328. The Form of U.S. In-Kind Assistance O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew 1996 Reports EconomicsChild care--Government policyHousing policy
330. The Global Age: From a Skeptical South to a Fearful North Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1996 Reports EconomicsInternational relations
331. The Japanese business system: Key features and prospects for change Westney, D. E. 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
332. The Japanese market for corporate control and managerial incentives Yamada, Takeshi; Kang, Jun-Koo 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
333. The Japanese system of foreign exchange and trade control, 1950-1964 Takagi, Shinji 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
335. The performance of Japanese mutual funds Cai, Jun; Chan, K. C.; Yamada, Takeshi 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
336. The relationship between expatriates, parent company-affiliate integration and HRM control in overseas affiliates of Japanese and American MNCs Krazmien, Michelle; Beechler, Schon 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
337. The Role of Absolute Continuity in "Merging of Opinions" and "Rational Learning" Miller, Ronald I.; Sanchirico, Chris William 1996 Reports Economics
338. The Silver Lining of Industrial Decline: Rust Belt Manufacturing's Impact on Particulates Kahn, Matthew E. 1996 Reports EconomicsEcology
339. The Stuctural Barrier to Transition: A Note on Input-Output Tables of Centrally Planned Economies Ericson, Richard E. 1996 Reports Economics
341. Trade Restrictions, Imperfect Competition and National Welfare with Foreign Capital Inflows Ranjan, Priya 1996 Reports Economics
342. Trends in Regional Inequality in China Jian, Tianlun; Sachs, Jeffrey D.; Warner, Andrew M. 1996 Reports Managerial economicsEconomics
343. What Drives Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon? Evidence from Satellite and Socioeconomic Data Talikoff, Alexander Strickland Pfaff 1996 Reports EconomicsEcology
344. When and How to Live: Resolving Non-Contractible Uncertainty Efficiently O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew 1996 Reports EconomicsVotingUncertainty--Social aspects
345. Why do markets move together? An investigation of U.S.-Japan stock return comovements Karolyi, G. A.; Stulz, René M. 1996 Reports EconomicsCommerce
346. A Dynamic Analysis of Licensing: The "Boomerang" Effect and Grant-Back Clauses Choi, Jay Pil 1997 Reports Economics
347. Almost Everybody Disagrees Almost All the Time: The Genericity of Weakly-Merging Nowhere Miller, Ronald I.; Sanchirico, Chris William 1997 Reports Economics
348. An Economic Theory of GATT Bagwell, Kyle; Staiger, Robert W. 1997 Reports EconomicsInternational relations
349. Bank underwriting of corporate bonds: Evidence from Japan after 1994 Hamao, Yasushi; Hoshi, Takeo 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
350. BIS capital regulations and Japanese banks' bad loan problems Marsh, Terry A.; Paul, Jean-Michel 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
352. Can an American entrepreneur work for a Japanese company and be effective and happy? Weinig, Sheldon 1997 Reports Economics
353. Changing firm boundaries in Japanese auto parts supply networks Ahmadjian, Christina L.; Lincoln, James R. 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
354. Climate Consumption and Climate Pricing from 1940 to 1990 Cragg, Michael; Kahn, Matthew E. 1997 Reports Economics
355. Coddling Fatalistic Criminals: A Dynamic Stochastic Analysis of Criminal Decision-Making O'Flaherty, Brendan Andrew 1997 Reports EconomicsCriminologyCriminal behaviorDecision making
357. Commodity bundling in Japanese non-life insurance: Savings-type products as self-selection mechanism Wallner, Klaus 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
358. Competition policy in communications industries: New antitrust approaches Pitofsky, Robert 1997 Reports Economics
359. Credit channels and the small firm sector in Japan Kuwayama, Patricia H. 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
360. Enforcement by Hearing: An Integrated Model of Evidence Production Sanchirico, Chris William 1997 Reports EconomicsLaw
361. Evidence Production, Adversarial Process, and the Private Instigation of Suits Sanchirico, Chris William 1997 Reports EconomicsLaw
362. Going Global: Transition from Plan to Market in the World Economy Desai, Padma B. 1997 Reports Economics
363. How the Japanese financial system and its main bank system have dealt with generic issues of financial development Patrick, Hugh T. 1997 Reports EconomicsFinance
364. Identification and estimation of structural VAR and MARMA models Dhrymes, Phoebus J. 1997 Reports Economics
365. Implicit contracts between regulator and firms: The case of Japanese casualty insurance Wallner, Klaus 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
366. Indexation, Inflation and Central Bank Independence Pecchi, Lorenzo; Piga, Gustavo 1997 Reports Economics
367. Information, the Dual Economy, and Development Banerjee, Abhijit V.; Newman, Andrew F. 1997 Reports Economics
368. International automobile production: How will firms compete in the 21st century? Keller, Maryann 1997 Reports Economics
369. Is there private information in the FX market? The Tokyo experiment Ito, Takatoshi; Lyons, Richard K.; Mann, Michael T. 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
370. Japanese auto parts supply networks and the governance of interfirm exchange Ahmadjian, Christina L. 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
372. Japan's "super" Big Bang: Hashimoto's make-or-break gamble Kanzaki, Yasuo 1997 Reports Economics
373. Matching in Perfect and Imperfect Worlds Newman, Andrew F.; Legros, Patrick 1997 Reports Economics
374. Network affiliation and supplier performance in the Japanese automotive industry Ahmadjian, Christina L. 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
376. Postal banking in the United States and Japan: A comparative analysis Kuwayama, Patricia H. 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
377. Rational Herding and The Spatial Clustering of Bank Branches: An Empirical Analysis Chang, Angela; Chaudhuri, Shubham; Jayaratne, Jith 1997 Reports EconomicsBanks and banking
378. Reciprocity, Non-Discrimination, and Preferential Agreements in the Multilateral Trading System Bagwell, Kyle; Staiger, Robert W. 1997 Reports EconomicsInternational relations
379. Russia's Market Transition: Who Has Lost and How? Desai, Padma B.; Idson, Todd 1997 Reports Economics
380. Russia's Transition Toward the World Economy: Is the Market Mechanism Working? Desai, Padma B. 1997 Reports Economics
381. Small Sample Properties of Certain Cointegration Test Statistics: A Monte Carlo Study Dhrymes, Phoebus J.; Thomakos, Dimitrios D. 1997 Reports Economics
383. Structural VAR, MARMA and Open Economy Models Dhrymes, Phoebus J.; Thomakos, Dimitrios D. 1997 Reports Economics
384. Study on the interactive approach between insurance and capital markets for catastrophe risks Goto, Shigeyuki 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
385. Supplier Relations and the Market Context: A Theory of Handshakes McLaren, John 1997 Reports Economics
386. Taxes Versus Legal Rules as Instruments for Equity Sanchirico, Chris William 1997 Reports Economics
389. The main bank system and corporate investment: An empirical reassessment Hayashi, Fumio 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
390. The US-Japanese stake in a free and open Asian capital market Summers, Lawrence H. 1997 Reports Economics
393. Understanding China's Economic Performance Sachs, Jeffrey D.; Woo, Wing Thye 1997 Reports Managerial economicsEconomicsAsians
395. Vertical Foreclosure with the Choice of Input Specifications Choi, Jay Pil; Yi, Sang-Seung 1997 Reports EconomicsCommerce
396. African Traditional Healers: Incentives and Skill in Health Care Delivery Leonard, Kenneth L. 1998 Reports EconomicsPublic health
397. An Optimization-Based Econometric Framework for the Evaluation of Monetary Policy: Expanded Version Rotemberg, Julio J.; Woodford, Michael 1998 Reports EconomicsPublic policy (Law)
398. Antitrust policy and Japan's international steel trade Tilton, Mark 1998 Reports EconomicsCommerce
399. A perspective on Japanese trade policy and Japan-US trade friction Flath, David 1998 Reports EconomicsCommerce
400. Careers in international/Asia Pacific business: Perspectives of an experienced Japan hand Franklin, William E. 1998 Reports Economics