41. Abbot Ice Shelf, structure of the Amundsen Sea continental margin and the southern boundary of the Bellingshausen Plate seaward of West Antarctica Cochran, James R.; Tinto, Kirsteen J.; Bell, Robin E. 2015 Articles GeophysicsIce shelvesGeomorphologyContinental marginsBathymetric maps
42. Age of Mammuthus trogontherii from Kostolac, Serbia, and the entry of megaherbivores into Europe during the Late Matuyama climate revolution Muttoni, Giovanni; Scardia, Giancarlo; Dimitrijević, Vesna; Kent, Dennis V.; Monesi, Edoardo; Mrdjić, Nemanja; Korać, Miomir 2015 Articles PaleomagnetismPleistocene Geologic EpochMammothsGeophysics
43. Anisotropy of a Tensorial Bishop’s Coefficient for Wetted Granular Materials Wang, Kun; Sun, WaiChing 2015 Articles Materials scienceGeophysicsPhysics
44. Antarctic ice rises and rumples: Their properties and significance for ice-sheet dynamics and evolution Matsuoka, Kenichi; Hindmarsh, Richard C. A.; Moholdt, Geir; Bentley, Michael J.; Pritchard, Hamish D.; Brown, Joel; Conway, Howard; Drews, Reinhard; Durand, Gaël; Goldberg, Daniel; Hattermann, Tore; Kingslake, Jonathan; Lenaerts, Jan T. M.; Martín, Carlos; Mulvaney, Robert; Nicholls, Keith W.; Pattyn, Frank; Ross, Neil; Scambos, Ted A.; Whitehouse, Pippa L. 2015 Articles Ice--DynamicsGlaciologyIce sheetsGeophysicsHydrology
45. An upper mantle seismic discontinuity beneath the Galápagos Archipelago and its implications for studies of the lithosphere‐asthenosphere boundary Byrnes, Joseph S.; Hooft, Emilie E. E.; Toomey, Douglas R.; Villagómez, Darwin R.; Geist, Dennis J.; Solomon, Sean C. 2015 Articles SeismologyGeophysicsMantle plumes
46. Bathymetry in Petermann fjord from Operation IceBridge aerogravity Tinto, Kirsteen J.; Bell, Robin E.; Cochran, James R.; Munchow, Andreas 2015 Articles GeophysicsMarine geophysicsGlaciers--MeasurementFjordsBathymetric maps
47. Chaotic dynamics of a glaciohydraulic model Kingslake, Jonathan 2015 Articles Hydrologic modelsRunoffSubglacial lakesGeophysicsHydrology
48. Comparing and contrasting extreme stratospheric events, including their coupling to the tropospheric circulation Dunn-Sigouin, Etienne; Shaw, Tiffany Ann 2015 Articles TroposphereAtmospheric thermodynamicsStratospherePolar vortexGeophysicsAtmosphere
49. Continental-scale temperature variability in PMIP3 simulations and PAGES 2k regional temperature reconstructions over the past millennium Smerdon, Jason E.; PAGES 2k–PMIP3 group 2015 Articles Climatic changes--Mathematical modelsPaleoclimatology--Mathematical modelsEarth temperature--Mathematical modelsEarth temperatureClimatic changesPaleoclimatologyGeophysics
50. Effects of postdepositional processing on nitrogen isotopes of nitrate in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 ice core Zatko, Maria C.; Alexander, Becky; Geng, Lei; Fudge, T. J.; Schauer, Andrew J.; Murray, Lee T.; Mickley, Loretta J. 2015 Articles Atmospheric depositionNitratesAtmospheric chemistryGeophysicsGeochemistryPaleoclimatologyGreenland Ice Sheet Project Two