421. Viscous Remanent Magnetization in Basalt Samples Lowrie, William; Kent, Dennis V. 1976 Articles Geophysics
422. Gravity anomalies and flexure of the lithosphere: A three-dimensional study of the Great Meteor Seamount, northeast Atlantic Watts, A. B.; Cochran, James R.; Selzer, G. 1975 Articles Geophysics
423. Gravity Anomalies and Flexure of the Lithosphere along the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain Watts, A. B.; Cochran, James R. 1974 Articles Geophysics
424. Origin of Magnetic Instability in Sediment Cores From the Central North Pacific Kent, Dennis V.; Lowrie, William 1974 Articles GeophysicsPaleoclimatology
425. Gravity and Magnetic Investigations in the Guiana Basin, Western Equatorial Atlantic Cochran, James R. 1973 Articles Geophysics
426. Paleomagnetism of Some Neogene Sedimentary Rocks on Oga Peninsula, Japan Kent, Dennis V. 1973 Articles Geophysics