121. Clients or Patients?: A Study of Boundary Crossing in a State Psychiatric Center Ibrahim, Hussein M. 1983 Theses Social serviceMental health
122. Dynamics of the "Divestment-Investment" Process: An Investigation of the Process of Adaptation Occurring in the Ecological Transition of Leaving Home to Live at College Lynch, Arthur A. 1983 Theses Social serviceSociology
123. Indigenous Resources of Mexican-Americans: Perceptions and Utilization Borrego, Rodolfo 1983 Theses Mexican AmericansSocial serviceSocial networks
124. Mothers' Reactions to Separation from their Pre-School Children as Effected by their Social Networks and their Relationship to their Children Gorman, Kate Hooper 1983 Theses Social serviceFamilies
125. Multi Modality Drug Abuse Treatment Program for High Economic-Status Patients Ockert, David M. 1983 Theses Social serviceMental healthClinical psychology
126. Single Fathers Raising Children Following Separation and Divorce Greif, Geoffrey Leonard 1983 Theses Social serviceFamilies
127. Adult Children as Caregivers to Elderly Parents: Correlates and Consequences Horowitz, Amy 1982 Theses Social serviceAgingFamilies
128. Descriptive Study of New Jersey's System for External Foster Care Case Review Murray, Louise 1982 Theses Social serviceFamilies
129. Differential Structure and Function of Primary Groups in Age Homogeneous versus Age Heterogeneous Areas for the Elderly Siegel, David 1982 Theses Social serviceAgingDemography
130. Factors Influencing the Discharge Plan for Terminal Patients Where Alternatives Exist--Home vs. Institution Mandel, Heidi 1982 Theses Social serviceHealth services administrationMedical care
131. Public Participation and the New York City Title XX Planning Process: Its Perceived Impact and Efficacy Hopkins, Thomas J. 1982 Theses Social servicePolitical science
132. Relationship of Family - Non-Family Support to the Academic Performance of Urban of Black Disadvantaged College Students Malone, Rubie M. 1982 Theses Social serviceFamiliesEducation
133. Analysis of the Relationship Between Social Work Schools and Field Placement Agencies in Their Joint Task of Educating Social Workers Kahn, Sandra 1981 Theses Social serviceSocial sciences--Study and teaching
134. Evaluation of a Comprehensive, Long Term Home Care Program for Chronically Impaired Elderly Hughes, Susan Lane 1981 Theses Social serviceAgingHealth services administrationMedical care
135. Gender-Related Differences in Heroin Use Kail, Barbara Lynn 1981 Theses Social serviceGender identitySex role
136. Internal-External Locus of Control and Political Participation Anisfeld, Leon Simon 1981 Theses Social servicePsychology
137. Psychosocial Stressors and Major Depression, Schizophrenia, and Schizophreniform Disorder Williams, Janet B.W. 1981 Theses Mental healthPsychologySocial service
138. Study of Compliance Behavior of Hemodialysis Patients Sherwood, Roger J. 1981 Theses Medical sciencesSocial service
139. Black Aged in Nursing Homes: An Application of the Shared Function Thesis Morrison, Barbara Jones 1979 Theses Social serviceAging
140. History of Social Welfare and Foreign Labor in the United States Virgin Islands: A Policy Analysis Francis, E. Aracelis 1979 Theses Social service