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2. Window for Peace: Determinants of Third-Party Guarantees in Intrastate Conflict Resolution
3. Why Surrender Sovereignty? Empowering Non-State Actors to Protect the Status Quo
4. Why Ratification? Questioning the Unexamined Constitution-making Procedure
5. Whither the Quid Pro Quo: Essays On Party Voter Linkages and Distributive Politics in India
6. When Theft Becomes Grievance: Dispossessions as a Cause of Redistributive Land Claims in 20th Century Latin America
7. When Do Party Leaders Democratize? Analyzing Three Reforms of Voter Registration and Candidate Selection
8. When Do Agencies Have Agency? Bureaucratic Noncompliance and Dynamic Lawmaking in United States Statutory Law, 1973-2010
9. Watching the Watchers: Non-State Actor Monitoring of State Compliance with International Humanitarian Law
10. Wars Within Wars: Understanding Inter-rebel Fighting
11. Voting Against Everyone’s Interests: Interrogating the Politicization of Rural Whites as a Latent Expression of Historical White Supremacy
12. Voice and Belonging: How Open vs. Restricted Models of National Incorporation Shape Immigrant-Minority Identification and Participation
13. Violent or Nonviolent Means to Political Ends: What Accounts for Variation in Tactics Among Dissident Organizations Targeting Domestic Governments?
14. Violence and Intervention
15. Value Pluralism and Liberal Democracy
16. U.S. Federal States in Transatlantic Trade and Investment Policy Making: Actors, Access, Aspirations
17. Upward Mobility and Authoritarian Stability: Merit-Based Elite Recruitment in China
18. Updating in Parallel under Threat: Cues, Emotions, Frames, and Memories
19. Under the Radar: Essays on Lobbying, Representation, and Responsiveness in the U.S. Congress
20. Understanding the United Nations Security Council’s Decisions to Initiate Atrocities Investigations
21. Understanding Resistance to Foreign Occupation
22. Understanding Military Doctrinal Change During Peacetime
23. Understanding Institutional Power Politics: Theory, Method and a case of U.S.-China Competition
24. Tweet it and Weep: Incivility in Congress Members’ Twitter Conversations
25. Transformative Hegemony: Theorizing Subaltern Coalitions Through Antonio Gramsci and W.E.B. Du Bois.
26. Trading Favors: Local Politics and Development in Brazil
27. Toward a European Bund. The Constitutionalism Deficit of Integration and How to Fix It
28. Three essays on the study of nationalization with automated content analysis
29. Three Essays on the Political Economy of Corporate Bailouts
30. Three Essays on the Political Economy of Business Mobility: Electoral and Policy Implications of Business Location Decisions
31. Three Essays on the International Politics of Climate Change
32. Three Essays on the Historical Legacies of Ethnic Fractionalization
33. The Wartime Origins of Postwar Democratization: Civil War, Rebel Governance, and Political Regimes
34. The War on Drugs’ War on Women: Plan Colombia’s impact on the female carceral population of Colombia
35. The Unity of Political Principle
36. The Unipolar Era: Why American Power Persists and China's Rise Is Limited
37. The Transcendence of Political Views Across National Borders: The Relationship Between Chinese Immigrants’ Attitudes Toward the CCP and their Western Partisan Preferences
38. The "Social" in Social Science: The Implications of Social Networks Theory for Political Economy and Political Methodology
39. The Science of Liberalism: A Genealogy of Political Theory
40. The Role of Government in Supporting Technological Advance
41. The Psychology of Repression and Dissent in Autocracy
42. The Problem of Human Shields in War
43. The Politics of Employment Insecurity
44. The Politics of Emergencies: War, Security and the Boundaries of the Exception in Modern Emergency Powers
45. The Politics of Classification in Global Development
46. The Politics of Booms and Busts: Fiscal Policy over the Business and Electoral Cycle in Developing Countries
47. The Politics of Anticolonial Resistance: Violence, Nonviolence, and the Erosion of Empire
48. The political theory of the schoolmen and Grotius : parts I, II and III.
49. The Political Economy of Heterogeneous Communities: Local Governance and Cooperation in the Congo and Sierra Leone
50. The Political Consequences of Long-Term Violence in Mexico
51. The Political Behavior of the Underrepresented
52. The Philosophical and Theological Foundations of Francois Fenelon's Political Theory: Love, Free Will,and Disinterested Virtue
53. The Paradox of Antimilitarism: Civil-Military Relations in Post World War II Japan
54. The observance of international law in the China-Japan war
55. The Navy as a Political Instrument: Freedom of Navigation Operations 1958-2013
56. The Militarist Trap: Linking Militarism, (Dis)Integrated Grand Strategy, and Military Efficacy
57. The Merits of Money and "Muscle": Essays on Criminality, Elections and Democracy in India
58. The Media under Autocracy: Essays on Domestic Politics and Government Support in Russia
59. The Material Politics of Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Labor Organization, Autonomy and Democratization in Egypt (2011-2016)
60. The Making of Liberal Mythology: David Hume, Epicureanism, and the New Political Science
61. The Logic of the Thai Higher Education Sector on Quality Assessment Policy
62. The Judicial Politics of Enmity: A Case Study of the Constitutional Court of Korea's Jurisprudence Since 1988
63. The Italian colonies of New York City
64. The Impacts of Anti-Asian Discrimination on Recent Asian American Voting Behavior: Do Anti-Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander violence and personal experiences of discrimination motivate Asian American turnout in federal general elections between 2000 and 2020?
65. The impact of transparency on legislative behavior. Taking position avoidance into account: The case of Chile
66. The Impact of Social Media on Political Elites
67. The Impact of Redistricting Commission Design on Partisan Fairness Performance
68. The Impact of National Crises on American Exceptionalism
69. The Illogic of Naval Forward Presence
70. The Hungarians in New York: a study in immigrant cultural influences
71. The Engagement Gap: Studies of Latino Political Socialization, Voter Turnout and Candidate Emergence
72. The Effects of Voter Registration and Declining Political Party Competition on Turnout in the United States of America, 1880-1916
73. The Effects of Political Attack Rhetoric on Public Trust in Scientists
74. The Effects of Personal Experiences on Climate Risk Mitigation Behaviors
75. The Desire and Struggle for Recognition
76. The Contours of White Identity in the United States
77. The conduct of parliamentary elections in England
78. The Color of Intimacy: Marriage, Passing, and the Legal Strategies of Afro-Creole Women in Antebellum New Orleans
79. The Cities on the Hill: Urban Politics in National Institutions
80. The Bureaucratic Mentality in Democratic Theory and Contemporary Democracy
81. The Bomber Who Calls Ahead: Terrorism, Insurgency, and the Politics of Pre-Attack Warnings
82. Terrorism, Islamophobia, and Radicalization
83. Taxation and State Building Under Diversity
84. Taking Information More Seriously: Information and Preferences in International Political Economy
85. System Shocks: Technology and Ambiguity in International Law and Arms Control
86. Statesmen, Soldiers, and Strategy: The Influence of Civil-Military Relations on U.S. National Security Decision-Making
87. Spiritual State, Material Temple: The Political Economy of Religious Revival in China
88. Special Interest Partisanship: The Transformation of American Political Parties
89. Soldiers and Societies in Revolt: Military Doctrine in the Arab Spring
90. Social Ties and Climate Politics
91. Social Protection under Authoritarianism: Politics and Policy of Social Health Insurance in China
92. Sexual Violence in Civil Wars: Strength, Organizational Control, and Rebel Groups
93. Security Exchange Theory
94. Ritual Contention in Divided Societies: Participation in Loyalist Parades in Northern Ireland
95. Re-thinking Popular Sovereignty and Secularism in Turkey and Beyond
96. Renting Elected Office: Why Businesspeople Become Politicians in Russia
97. Remote Controlled Restraint: The Effect of Remote Warfighting Technology on Crisis Escalation
98. Religious Routes to Conflict Mitigation: Three Papers on Buddhism, Nationalism, and Violence
99. Religious cycles of policy responsiveness: How religious seasons regulate public opinion and government responsiveness in the Muslim world
100. Religious Arguments in Political Discussion: A Theory of Public Justification
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