Search Results
2. A Document Relating to the Treaty of Troyes
3. American Unwritten Constitutionalism
4. America's Mayors: Who Serves and How Mayors Shape Policy
5. An Empirical Examination of Adjudications at the National Labor Relations Board
6. A New Era of Measurable Effects? Essays on Political Communication in the New Media Age
7. A Power Struggle: Do Contested Primaries Between Moderates and Extremists Harm the Party?
8. Applying Large-Scale Data and Modern Statistical Methods to Classical Problems in American Politics
9. A rereading of the political issues of digital technology: technology and the production of the social imagination
10. Assembling the Plebeian Republic. Popular Institutions against Systemic Corruption and Oligarchic Domination
11. A Theory of Revisionism: Louis XIV and the Spanish Netherlands
12. A Working Machine: Patronage Jobs and Political Services in Argentina
13. A World Without Poverty: Negotiating the Global Development Agenda
14. Ballot Design: Effects, Constraints, & Mitigation Strategies in Georgia & California
15. Better Together? How International Organizations Combat Complexity Through Cooperation
16. Between Ethnic and Civic: A Paradox of National Identification in Contemporary Taiwan
17. Beyond the Veto: Chinese Diplomacy in the United Nations Security Council
18. Black Twitter, Black Voters, and Black Issues: The Role of Black Twitter Discourse in the 2020 Democratic Primary
19. Building Freedom’s Frontier in Northeast Asia
20. Calculating Corruption: Political Competition and Bribery under Authoritarianism
21. Can Deactivating Facebook Reduce Affective Polarization? Experimental Evidence and Heterogenous Effects Based on Partisan Identification Strength
22. Can financial and economic indicators explain conflict intensity?
23. Can the Supreme Court Convince the American People? — A Survey Experiment on Public Response to the Court’s Opinion Reasoning
24. Central‐Local Relations and Change in Japan’s Prefectural Elections
25. Characterizing the “Jewish Vote” in American Electoral Politics: a Quantitative Methods Political Science Thesis
26. Choosing an international legal regime: How much justice would you trade for peace?
27. Citizen-Subjectivity, Experiential Evaluation, and Activist Strategies: Explaining Algerian Violence and Polish Peace under Authoritarian Rule
28. Conflict, shocks and social behavior: Three essays on social responses to social disruptions
29. Congressional Roommates: How Living Together Impacts Legislative Collaboration
30. Conservative Jurisprudence and Liberal Constitutionalism
31. Contested Stories, Uncertain Futures: Upheavals, Narratives, and Strategic Change
32. Corporate Autonomy: Law, Constitutional Democracy, and the Rights of Big Business
33. Creating Politically Appealing Climate Policies
34. Credibility is Not Enough: The United States and Compellent Threats, 1945-2011
35. Credible to Whom? The Organizational Politics of Credibility in International Relations
36. Crime Control or Redistribution?: How Crime Concerns Affected Voting Behavior in the 2022 Chilean Constitutional Plebiscite
37. Crisis Actors: Understanding the Dynamics Between Central Banks and Legislative Bodies
38. Cyber Power and the International System
39. Deep Divides: Experiments in Public Opinion Toward and Among Minority Groups in the United States and Canada
40. Democracy and Nation Formation: National Identity Change and Dual Identity in Taiwan, 1991-2011
41. Democracy for the 21st Century: Controlling Technology, Overcoming Oligarchy
42. Democratic Fault Lines Then and Now: An Exploration of Longstanding and Emerging Threats to the Fulfillment of Democratic Expectations by the American Mass Public
43. Democratic Institutions under Autocracy
44. Democratization, Ethnic Minorities and the Politics of Self-Determination Reform
45. Design-based, Bayesian Causal Inference for the Social-Sciences
46. Designing Attentive Democracy: Political Interest and Electoral Institutions
47. Deus ex Machina? New Religious Movements in African Politics
48. Direct Democracy - Institutional Origins, Initiative Usage, and Policy Consequences
49. Do Politics Matter to this Watchdog? The Effects of Ideology on Civil Enforcement at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
50. Economic Empowerment and Political Participation
51. Economic Freedom Through Dependencies
52. Efficacy, Openness, Ingenuousness: Micro-Foundations of Democratic Engagement
53. Elite Persuasion and Religious Extremism: A Study Among Sunni and Shia Muslims in Northern India
54. Eloquence and Its Conditions
55. Empirical Essays on the Political Economy of Public Finance and Social Policy
56. Essays in Minority Politics and Representation in the U.S.
57. Essays on Coercion and Signaling in Cyberspace
58. Essays on Courts, Randomization, and Experiments
59. Essays on Historical Political Economy: The Case of the French Third Republic
60. Essays on Inequality and Social Cohesion
61. Essays on Informal Institutions and Violence in Mexico
62. Essays on Information Revelation in Political Organizations
63. Essays on Leadership Selection and Public Goods Provision in Self-Help Organizations
64. Essays on Media and Accountability
65. Essays on Media and Public Opinion in State and Local Politics
66. Essays on Microfoundations of Peacebuilding in War-Torn Societies: Hypotheses and Evidence from a Field Experiment in Rural Liberia.
67. Essays on the Distributive Politics of Bureaucracy
68. Essays on the Effects of Political Institutions on Development Policies
69. Essays on the Measurement of Public Opinion
70. Essays on the Motivations and Behavior of Individual Political Donors
71. Essays on the Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment
72. Essays on the Political Economy of Public Finance
73. Essays on the Politics of Maintaining Order
74. Ethnoconfessional Nationalism in the Balkans: Analysis, Manifestations and Management
75. Evaluating the Effects of International Criminal Court Prosecutions on Atrocities During Ongoing Armed Conflict
76. Examining Dehumanization Through the "Political Brain Perspective": Towards a Minimal Neuropolitical Theory for Hyperdiverse Societies
77. Ex-Communist Party Choices and the Electoral Success of the Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe
78. Experimental Democracy - Collective Intelligence for a Diverse and Complex World
79. Exporting Might and Right: Great Power Security Assistance and Developing Militaries
80. Feminism, Nature, and Humanity: A Critique of Difference and Domination
81. Fighting friends: Institutional cooperation and military effectiveness in multinational war
82. Fighting Justly in the XXth century: why do weapons disappear from the battlefield?
83. Financing The Health Care Safety Net: How Federalism And Medicaid's Funding Formula Shape State Budgets And American Welfare
84. Financing Welfare States and the Structure of Taxation
85. For Democracy and a Caste System? World War II, Race, and Democratic Inclusion in the United States
86. Formal Institutions & Trust: A Comparative Study of Social Trust Formation
87. Framing COVID-19: Analysing the Effect of Framing on the Popular Understanding of the Coronavirus Pandemic
88. Friends with Benefits? Power and Influence in Proxy Warfare
89. From Guns to Roses: Explaining Rebel Use of Nonviolent Action
90. "From Parliamentarism to Party Democracy: Parties, Parliaments, and Leaders, Weber to Kelsen"
91. From Shocks to Waves: Hegemonic Transitions and Democratization in the Twentieth Century
92. From Wagner to Taft-Hartley, Revisited
93. Funding for Change: Factors Affecting Foundation Funding of Pre-Collegiate Education Policy in the United States Following the Charlottesville Summit and No Child Left Behind
94. God Made the Country, and Man Made the Town: The Impact of Local Institutions on the Political Attitudes and Behavior of Immigrants and Minorities in the United States
95. God Wills It: Presidents and the Political Use of Religion
96. Going Viral During a Pandemic: Civil Society and Social Media in Kazakhstan
97. Governing by Fiduciary: How the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Delegated Control over Pension Policy to Private Actors
98. Hollowed Out and Turned About: New Social Cleavages and Institutional Change in Advanced Democracies
99. Hollowing Out the State: Status Inequality, Fiscal Capacity, and Right-Wing Voting in India
100. Homeward Bound: Return Migration and Local Conflict After Civil War
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