11. Soergel Diagrammatics for Dihedral Groups Elias, Ben 2011 Theses MathematicsHecke algebrasWeyl groups
12. Arithmetic inner product formula for unitary groups Liu, Yifeng 2012 Theses MathematicsL-functionsUnitary groups
13. Bordered Heegaard Floer Homology, Satellites, and Decategorification Petkova, Tsvetelina Vaneva 2012 Theses MathematicsFloer homologyEuler characteristicManifolds (Mathematics)
14. Del Pezzo surfaces with irregularity and intersection numbers on quotients in geometric invariant theory Maddock, Zachary Alexander 2012 Theses MathematicsInvariantsGeometry, AlgebraicSymplectic geometryRoot systems (Algebra)
15. Eigenvarieties and twisted eigenvarieties Xiang, Zhengyu 2012 Theses MathematicsEigenvaluesCohomology operationsAutomorphisms
16. Forbidden Substructures in Graphs and Trigraphs, and Related Coloring Problems Penev, Irena 2012 Theses MathematicsMathematics--Graphic methodsVertex operator algebrasChudnovsky, D. (David), 1947-
17. Limiting Properties of Certain Geometric Flows in Complex Geometry Jacob, Adam Joshua 2012 Theses MathematicsComplex manifoldsKählerian manifoldsGeometry, Differential
18. On Fourier-Mukai type functors Rizzardo, Alice 2012 Theses MathematicsFunctor theoryAlgebra, HomologicalIsomorphisms (Mathematics)
19. The Asymptotic Cone of Teichmuller Space: Thickness and Divergence Sultan, Harold Mark 2012 Theses MathematicsTeichmüller spacesDifferential equations, Hyperbolic--Asymptotic theory
20. A geometric construction of a Calabi quasimorphism on projective space Carneiro, Andre R. 2013 Theses MathematicsCalabi-Yau manifoldsMorphisms (Mathematics)Group theory