3. How can one recognize what one did not know? Mnemosyne and the art of the twentieth century Carbone, Mauro 2005 Reports Art
4. Signa et res : the pictorial discourse of the imaginary in early modern Italy Krüger, Klaus 2005 Reports ArtHistory
5. Montefeltro : a coded conspiracy, the Medici and the Sistine Chapel Simonetta, Marcello 2007 Reports ArtHistory
6. Forms of transmission of anatomical knowledge in the age of Leonardo, Michelangelo and Vesalius Laurenza, Domenico 2008 Reports ScienceHistoryArt
11. Italian Sculpture and Sculptors at the French Court, between Charles VIII and François I Mozzati, Tommaso 2011 Reports Art
12. Bernini’s S. Andrea al Quirinale and Early Modern Architectural Representation Barry, Fabio 2012 Abstracts (Summaries) ArchitectureArt
13. Pasquino at the crossroads: the statue, the square and the public in the 16th century Spagnolo, Maddalena 2012 Reports Art
14. The Federico Zeri Foundation: An International Research Centre for Art History Ottani Cavina, Anna 2012 Reports ArtArt--Study and teaching