1. Heavy-traffic extreme-value limits for queues Glynn, Peter W.; Whitt, Ward 1995 Articles Queuing theoryLimit theorems (Probability theory)Industrial engineeringProbabilitiesQueuing theoryOperations research
2. Stability and Structural Properties of Stochastic Storage Networks Kella, Offer; Whitt, Ward 1996 Articles Stochastic systemsLévy processesStochastic systemsIndustrial engineeringProbabilitiesQueuing theoryOperations research
3. Decomposition approximations for time-dependent Markovian queueing networks Whitt, Ward 1999 Articles Queuing theoryQueuing networks (Data transmission)Markov processesCall centersIndustrial engineeringProbabilitiesOperations research
4. Dynamic staffing in a telephone call center aiming to immediately answer all calls Whitt, Ward 1999 Articles Call centersForecastingQueuing networks (Data transmission)Call centersIndustrial engineeringProbabilitiesQueuing theoryOperations research
5. Explicit M/G/1 waiting-time distributions for a class of long-tail service-time distributions Abate, Joseph; Whitt, Ward 1999 Articles Queuing theoryInverse Gaussian distributionIndustrial engineeringProbabilitiesOperations research
6. Linear stochastic fluid networks Kella, Offer; Whitt, Ward 1999 Articles Stochastic systemsStorage area networks (Computer networks)Lévy processesQueuing networks (Data transmission)Industrial engineeringProbabilitiesQueuing theoryOperations research
7. Using different response-time requirements to smooth time-varying demand for service Whitt, Ward 1999 Articles Queuing theoryQueuing networks (Data transmission)Industrial engineeringProbabilitiesOperations research
8. Limits for Cumulative Input Processes to Queues Whitt, Ward 2000 Articles Central limit theoremSymmetry (Mathematics)Industrial engineeringStochastic systemsLévy processesProbabilitiesQueuing theoryOperations research
9. Workload bounds in fluid models with priorities Berger, Arthur W.; Whitt, Ward 2000 Articles Queuing theoryStochastic modelsIndustrial engineeringProbabilitiesQueuing theoryOperations research
10. Two fluid approximations for multi-server queues with abandonments Whitt, Ward 2005 Articles Queuing networks (Data transmission)Queuing theoryCall centersIndustrial engineeringProbabilitiesOperations research