11. Neighborhood Rezonings and Historic Preservation In New York City Bayers, Whitney N. 2019 Theses Historic preservationZoningNeighborhood planningCultural property--ProtectionCity planning--Citizen participation
12. Preservation On Island: How Historic Preservation Can Promote the Vitality of Maine's Island Communities Brazee, Christopher D. 2007 Theses Historic buildingsCultural property--ProtectionIslandsHistoric preservation
13. Rethinking Heritage Volunteering in Historic Preservation Li, Xiyu 2023 Theses Historic preservationHistoric sites--Conservation and restorationCultural property--ProtectionVoluntarismVolunteers
14. Sustaining the Intangible: Preserving New York City's Living Heritage Nahitchevansky, Nina 2023 Theses Historic preservationCultural property--ProtectionCity planningGentrification