61. Effects of female group size on the number of males in blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) groups Gao, Lu; Cords, Marina 2020 Articles Cercopithecus mitisAnimal behaviorSexual behavior in animals
62. Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects Bytnerowicz, Thomas Adam 2020 Theses EcologyNitrogen--FixationCarbon dioxide sinksAtmospheric carbon dioxide--Environmental aspects
63. Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park Neelakantan, Amrita; DeFries, Ruth S.; Fanzo, Jessica C. 2020 Articles Land settlementLand settlement--Social aspectsFood securityLand useSustainable development
64. Geospatial and genomic tools for conserving the Critically Endangered blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) and the sportive lemurs (genus Lepilemur) Tinsman, Jen Casey 2020 Theses Conservation biologyEcologyEvolution (Biology)LemursHabitat (Ecology)Wildlife research
65. Greater stability of carbon capture in species-rich natural forests compared to species-poor plantations Osuri, Anand M.; Gopal, Abhishek; Shankar Raman, T. R.; DeFries, Ruth S.; Cook-Patton, Susan C.; Naeem, Shahid 2020 Articles Forest biodiversityForest regenerationTree farmsForests and forestryCarbon sequestrationClimate change mitigation
66. Integrating food webs and food security to understand the impact of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functions and services Heilpern, Sebastian 2020 Theses EcologySustainabilityBiodiversityFisheriesPlant communities
67. Phylogeography and conservation of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) in the Hengduan Mountains of SW China and Tibet Meek, Jared Bryant; Hoffberg, Sandra L.; Molina-Velez, Kasielis; Ree, Richard; Eaton, Deren A. R. 2020 Theses Plants--PhylogenyOrobanchaceaePlant diversity conservationPedicularisBiodiversity conservation
68. Reluctant males: why blue monkey males reject female sexual advances Schembari, Sofia; Cords, Marina 2020 Articles Cercopithecus mitisAnimal behaviorSexual behavior in animals
69. Seven centuries of reconstructed Brahmaputra River discharge demonstrate underestimated high discharge and flood hazard frequency Rao, Mukund Palat; Cook, Edward R.; Cook, Benjamin I.; D'Arrigo, Rosanne Dorothy; Palmer, Jonathan G.; Lall, Upmanu; Woodhouse, Connie A.; Buckley, Brendan M.; Uriarte, Maria; Bishop, Daniel Alexander; Jian, Jun; Webster, Peter 2020 Articles DendrochronologyTree-ringsMonsoonsFloodsClimatic changes
70. Sunflower damage and bird diversity data 2014-2015 Kross, Sara M. 2020 Data (Information) Agricultural ecologyEcosystem servicesAgricultural pestsAgricultural pests--ControlOrnithology
71. The association between crop and income diversity and farmer intra-household dietary diversity in India Singh, Sukhwinder; Jones, Andrew D.; DeFries, Ruth S.; Jain, Meha 2020 Articles Farm incomeFarmers--Economic conditionsFarmers--NutritionNutritionAgriculture
72. The effects of Pleistocene climatic cycles on avian historic demography across Amazonia Araujo Coelho, Lais 2020 Theses Evolution (Biology)EcologyBiodiversityClimatic changesBirds--Geographical distributionPleistocene Geologic Epoch
73. Tree diversity and carbon storage cobenefits in tropical human-dominated landscapes Osuri, Anand M.; Machado, Siddarth; Ratnam, Jayashree; Sankaran, Mahesh; Ayyappan, N.; Muthuramkumar, S.; Parthasarathy, N.; Pélissier, Raphaël; Ramesh, B. R.; DeFries, Ruth S.; Naeem, Shahid 2020 Articles Biodiversity conservationForests and forestryForest degradationCarbon sequestrationClimate change mitigationLand use
74. Zoo visitors affect sleep, displacement activities, and affiliative and aggressive behaviors in captive ebony langurs (Trachypithecus auratus) Cords, Marina; Roth, Allison M. 2020 Articles LangursCaptive wild animals--BehaviorAnimal behaviorZoo visitors
75. Assessing the sustainability of post-Green Revolution cereals in India Davis, Kyle Frankel; Chhatre, Ashwini; Rao, Narasimha D.; Singh, Deepti; Ghosh-Jerath, Suparna; Mridul, Anvi; Poblete-Cazenave, Miguel; Pradhan, Nabin; DeFries, Ruth S. 2019 Articles Sustainable agricultureGreen RevolutionGrain
76. Crops, Canopies and Waiting for Rain Water for Small-Plot Agricultural Production in the Tropics Clark, Benjamin D 2019 Theses EcologyAgricultureHydrologyWater--ManagementTropical cropsWater in agriculture
77. Fires, Smoke Exposure, and Public Health: An Integrative Framework to Maximize Health Benefits From Peatland Restoration Marlier, Miriam E.; Liu, Tianjia; Yu, Karen; Buonocore, Jonathan J.; Koplitz, Shannon N.; DeFries, Ruth S.; Mickley, Loretta J.; Jacob, Daniel J.; Schwartz, Joel; Wardhana, Budi S.; Myers, Samuel S. 2019 Articles Peatland managementPeatland restorationLand useSmokeAir--Pollution--Health aspectsPublic health
78. Foiling the Resource Curse Dale, Lisa Allyn 2019 Articles Sustainable developmentClimatic changes
79. Missing emissions from post-monsoon agricultural fires in northwestern India: regional limitations of MODIS burned area and active fire products Liu, Tianjia; Marlier, Miriam E.; Karambelas, Alexandra N.; Jain, Meha; Singh, Sukhwinder; Singh, Manoj K.; Gautam, Ritesh; DeFries, Ruth S. 2019 Articles Prescribed burningPrescribed burning--Data processingAir quality--Health aspectsAir quality--ModelsMODIS (Spectroradiometer)Landsat satellites--Remote sensing
80. Moving people for tigers: Resettlement, Food Security and Landscape-Level Conservation in Central India Neelakantan, Amrita 2019 Theses Environmental sciencesSocial sciences--ResearchForced migrationWildlife conservationWilderness areasFood security