1. Influence of rain on air-sea gas exchange: Lessons from a model ocean Schlosser, Peter; Hendricks, Melissa B.; Ho, David T.; Zappa, Christopher J.; McGillis, Wade R.; Bliven, Larry F.; Ward, Brian; Dacey, John W. H. 2004 Articles Ocean-atmosphere interactionRain and rainfall--Environmental aspectsOceanography--ExperimentsOceanography--Mathematical modelsOceanographyHydrology
2. Probabilistic Multimodel Regional Temperature Change Projections Greene, Arthur M.; Goddard, Lisa M.; Lall, Upmanu 2006 Articles Ocean-atmosphere interaction--ModelsGlobal temperature changesClimatic changes--ForecastingAtmosphereClimatic changes
3. Epochal changes in the association between malaria epidemics and El Niño in Sri Lanka Zubair, Lareef; Galappaththy, Gawrie; Yang, Hyemin; Chandimala, Janaki; Yahiya, Zeenas; Amerasinghe, Priyanie; Ward, Neil; Connor, Stephen J. 2008 Articles Malaria--EpidemiologyMalaria--Environmental aspectsPublic health
4. High Performance Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membrane Yip, Ngai Yin; Tiraferri, Alberto; Phillip, William A.; Schiffman, Jessica D.; Elimelech, Menachem 2010 Articles Membranes (Technology)Composite materials--Technological innovationsOsmosisEnvironmental engineeringEnvironmental sciencesChemical engineering
5. Strategies of Nitrosomonas europaea 19718 to counter low dissolved oxygen and high nitrite concentrations Yu, Ran; Chandran, Kartik 2010 Articles Microbiology
6. A computational model for multi-objective optimization of zero emission power plants Li, Xinxin 2011 Theses Environmental engineering
7. Chemical cleaning of RO membranes fouled by wastewater effluent: Achieving higher efficiency with dual-step cleaning Ang, Wui Seng; Yip, Ngai Yin; Tiraferri, Alberto; Elimelech, Menachem 2011 Articles FoulingSewage--Purification--Reverse osmosis processMembranes (Technology)Environmental engineeringMolecular biology
8. Forward with Osmosis: Emerging Applications for Greater Sustainability Hoover, Laura A.; Phillip, William A.; Tiraferri, Alberto; Yip, Ngai Yin; Elimelech, Menachem 2011 Articles Membranes (Technology)SustainabilityOsmosisEnvironmental engineeringEnvironmental sciencesChemical engineering
9. High efficiency nanocomposite sorbents for CO2 capture based on amine-functionalized mesoporous capsules Qi, Genggeng; Wang, Yanbing; Estevez, Luis; Duan, Xiaonan; Anako, Nkechi; Park, Ah-Hyung; Li, Wen; Jones, Christopher W.; Giannelis, Emmanuel P. 2011 Articles Chemistry, Physical and theoretical
10. Investigation of CO2 capture mechanisms of liquid-like nanoparticle organic hybrid materials via structural characterization Park, Youngjune; Decatur, John D.; Lin, Kun-Yi; Park, Ah-Hyung 2011 Articles Chemistry, Physical and theoretical