121. ||PSL: A Parallel Lisp for the DADO Machine Biema, Michael van; Lerner, Mark D.; Maguire, Gerald Q.; Stolfo, Salvatore 1984 Reports Computer science
122. Putting Pieces Together: Understanding Patent Abstracts Lebowitz, Michael 1984 Reports Computer scienceInformation science
123. Relational Query Processing of the Non-Von Supercomputer. Shaw, David Elliot 1984 Reports Computer science
124. SIMD and MSIMD Variants of the NON-VON Supercomputer Shaw, David Elliot 1984 Reports Computer science
125. Simultaneous Firing of Production Rules on Tree Structured Machines Ishida, Toru; Stolfo, Salvatore 1984 Reports Computer science
126. Some Nonlinear Problems Are as Easy as the Approximation Problem Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W. 1984 Reports Computer science
127. Study of Linear Information for Classes of Polynomial Equations Sikorski, Krzysztof A. 1984 Reports Computer science
128. Taking the Initiative in Problem-Solving Discourse Matthews, Kevin; McKeown, Kathleen 1984 Reports Computer science
129. The Automatic Inversion of Attribute Grammars Yellin, Daniel; Mueckstein, Eva-Maria M. 1984 Reports Computer science
130. The Connected Component Algorithm on The NON-VON Supercomputer Ibrahim, Hussein A. H. 1984 Reports Computer science
131. The DADO Production System Machine Stolfo, Salvatore; Miranker, Daniel P. 1984 Reports Computer science
132. The Semi-Automatic Generation of Processing Element Control Paths for Highly Parallel Machines Sabety, Theodore M.; Mathies, Brian; Shaw , David Elliot 1984 Reports Computer science
133. Time-Constrained Communication in Multiple Access Networks Kurose, James F. 1984 Reports Computer science
134. Tree Machines: Architectures and Algorithms A Survey Paper Ibrahim, Hussein 1984 Reports Computer science
135. β-trees, γ-systems, and a Theorem on F-heaps Galil, Zvi; Spencer, Thomas 1984 Reports Computer science
136. Understanding Hierarchically Structured Objects Wasserman, Kenneth 1984 Reports Computer science
137. Unification in a Parallel Environment Taylor, Stephen; Tzoar, Daphne; Stolfo, Salvatore 1984 Reports Computer science
140. What is the Complexity of the Fredholm Problem of the Second Kind? Werschulz, Arthur G. 1984 Reports Computer science