221. High-Speed Wide-Field Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Field, Ryan Michael 2014 Theses Image processing--Digital techniquesMetal oxide semiconductors, ComplementaryImaging systems in biologyFluorescence microscopyElectrical engineeringBiomedical engineering
222. Human T cell response to substrate rigidity for design of improved expansion platform De Leo, Sarah Elizabeth 2014 Theses T cellsBiomedical engineeringImmunotherapyImmunology
223. Identification of Key Structural Elements of ATP-Dependent Molecular Motors Zhang, Yuan 2014 Theses Biomedical engineering
224. Innate Immune-Like Function of Osteogenic Cells and Their Effects on Inflammatory Osteolysis Lee, Heon Goo 2014 Theses Biomedical engineeringImplants, ArtificialBones--GrowthBone resorptionPhagocytosisCytokines
225. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applications of Pseudo-Random Amplitude Modulation Zou, Xiaowei 2014 Theses Biomedical engineering
226. Mechanosensing in Naive CD4+ T cells Judokusumo, Edward 2014 Theses Cells--MorphologyT cellsSignal processingBiomedical engineering
228. Nanofiber-Based Scaffold for Integrative Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Subramony, Siddarth Devraj 2014 Theses Mesenchymal stem cellsBiomimetic materialsNanofibersAnterior cruciate ligament--SurgeryBiomedical engineering
229. Neural and Ocular Signals Evoked by Visual Targets in Naturalistic Environments Jangraw, David 2014 Theses Biomedical engineeringNeurosciences
230. Noninvasive Neuromodulation: Modeling and Analysis of Transcranial Brain Stimulation with Applications to Electric and Magnetic Seizure Therapy Lee, Won Hee 2014 Theses Electroconvulsive therapyDepression, Mental--TreatmentMagnetic brain stimulationBiomedical engineeringMedical sciencesMental health