8821. Towards High-resolution Computational Approaches for Structure-based Drug Discovery Li, Jianing 2011 Theses ChemistryChemistry, Physical and theoreticalBiochemistry
8822. Towards the Calibration of the Globigerinoides ruber (white) paleothermometer Arbuszewski, Jennifer 2011 Theses PaleoclimatologyGeochemistryChemical oceanographySalinityPaleothermometryEnvironmental sciences
8823. Trade in the Roman Empire: A Study of the Institutional Framework Terpstra, Taco T. 2011 Theses HistoryEconomic historyMicroeconomicsCommerceMerchants
8824. Tradeoffs and Limits in Computational Imaging Cossairt, Oliver Strider 2011 Theses Computer scienceComputer engineeringElectrical engineering
8825. Transcriptional control of somatosensory neuron diversification in Drosophila Corty, Megan Marie 2011 Theses Neurosciences
8826. Transient Dynamics in Neural Networks Schaffer, Evan Shuman 2011 Theses NeurosciencesMathematicsBiophysicsNeural networks (Neurobiology)Transients (Dynamics)Neural circuitry
8827. Two Approaches to Non-Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games of Control and Stopping Li, Qinghua 2011 Theses Mathematics
8828. Ubiquitin Conformational Dynamics and Hydration Shell Dynamics by Solid State NMR Huang, Kuo-Ying 2011 Theses ChemistryBiochemistryNuclear magnetic resonanceCatalysisEnzymesDeuteriumUbiquitin
8829. Umma and Identity in Early Islamic Persia Hanaoka, Mimi 2011 Theses ReligionLiterature, MedievalHistory
8830. Uncanny Homelands: Disability, Race, and the Politics of Memory Knittel, Susanne C. 2011 Theses Comparative literatureGerman literatureHolocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)Holocaust memorialsRisiera di San Sabba (Concentration camp)FascismPeople with disabilities--Government policyPeople with mental disabilities--Government policyCroatsSlovenesJews--PersecutionsGedenkstätte GrafeneckGrass, Günter, 1927-2015Blechtrommel (Grass, Günter)
8831. Understanding Controlling Shareholder Regimes Kang, Sang Yop 2011 Theses InvestmentsLaw and economicsCorporate governance--Law and legislationStockholdersLaw
8832. Understanding the nervous system as an information processing machine: dense, nonspecific, canonical microcircuit architecture of inhibition in neocortex . . . Packer, Adam Max 2011 Theses NeurosciencesNervous systemInterneuronsMarr, David, 1945-1980
8833. Unintegrated Gluon Distributions at Small-x Dominguez, Fabio 2011 Theses Nuclear physicsGluonsCollisions (Nuclear physics)Quantum chromodynamics
8834. Until the Stones Cry Out: Materialities of Faith and Technologies of the Holy Ghost in Southern Appalachia Blanton, Anderson Hall 2011 Theses EthnologyReligionCommunicationAnthropologyPentecostalismSpiritual healingHoly Spirit
8835. Use of Teams to Accomplish Radical Organization Change: Examining the Influence of Team Cognitive Style and Leader Emotional Intelligence Cahill, Alice Marie 2011 Theses PsychologyOrganizational behaviorPsychology, Industrial
8836. Using structure to explore the sequence alignment space of remote homologs Kuziemko, Andrew Stephen 2011 Theses BiophysicsHomology (Biology)Sequence alignment (Bioinformatics)
8837. Variations on a Persian Theme: Adaptation and Innovation in Early Manuscripts from Golconda Weinstein, Laura S. 2011 Theses Art, Mogul EmpireIllumination of books and manuscripts, IndicIllumination of books and manuscripts, Indic--Iranian influencesQutb Shahi dynasty
8838. Visualizing the One-Dimensional Diffusion of DNA Mismatch Repair Proteins at the Single-Molecule Level Gorman, Jason 2011 Theses BiologyBiochemistryBiophysicsDNA repairEukaryotic cells--Genetics
8839. Voices from the Killing Jar Soper, Katharine P. 2011 Theses MusicLiteratureGender identitySex role
8840. Water Availability in a Warming World Aminzade, Jennifer 2011 Theses AtmosphereClimatic changesWater-supply--ForecastingSoil moisture