161. Inclusive jet production in ultrarelativistic proton-nucleus collisions Perepelitsa, Dennis 2014 Theses PhysicsNuclear physicsParticles (Nuclear physics)Jets (Nuclear physics)Collisions (Nuclear physics)
162. Interaction Effects on Electric and Thermoelectric Transport in Graphene Ghahari Kermani, Fereshte 2014 Theses Quantum Hall effectQuantum electrodynamicsGrapheneCondensed matterQuantum theory
163. K_L-K_S mass difference from lattice QCD Yu, Jianglei 2014 Theses Particles (Nuclear physics)Lattice theoryStandard model (Nuclear physics)Mass (Physics)--MeasurementKaonsPions
164. Negative Modes in Vacuum Decay Lee, Hak Joon 2014 Theses PhysicsParticles (Nuclear physics)VacuumGravitational fieldsTunneling (Physics)
165. Probing the response of 2D crystals by optical spectroscopy Li, Yilei 2014 Theses Condensed matterOptical spectroscopyGrapheneTwo-dimensional materialsTransition metalsRaman spectroscopy
166. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Charge Density Waves in NbSe₂ and muSR studies of Nickel doping in BaFe₂As₂ Arguello, Carlos Jose 2014 Theses Condensed matterScanning tunneling microscopyMuon spin rotationScattering (Physics)Charge density wavesNickel
167. Search for Non-Pointing Photons in the Diphoton and Missing Transverse Energy Final State in 7 TeV pp Collisions Using the ATLAS Detector Nikiforou, Nikiforos 2014 Theses Particles (Nuclear physics)PhotonsProton-proton interactionsSupersymmetryStandard model (Nuclear physics)European Organization for Nuclear Research
168. Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in Z + γ; final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC Tian, Feng 2014 Theses Particles (Nuclear physics)Standard model (Nuclear physics)Higgs bosonsProton-proton interactionsEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research
169. The Chiral and U(1)_A Symmetries of the QCD Phase Transition using Chiral Lattice Fermions Lin, Zhongjie 2014 Theses Quantum chromodynamicsPhysicsFermionsParticles (Nuclear physics)--FlavorLattice theoryPionsParticles (Nuclear physics)--Chirality
170. The E and B EXperiment: A balloon-borne cosmic microwave background anisotropy probe Hillbrand, Seth Nathaniel 2014 Theses PhysicsAnisotropyCosmic background radiationBalloons--Scientific applications
171. Theoretical study of charge density waves in transition metal materials Okamoto, Junichi 2014 Theses Condensed matterCharge density wavesTransition metalsNanowiresCobaltScanning tunneling microscopy
172. The Physics of Ultracold S₂ Molecules: Optical Production and Precision Measurement Osborn, Christopher 2014 Theses PhysicsUltracold moleculesSulfidesStrontiumDiatomic molecules
173. Towards inducing superconductivity into graphene Efetov, Dmitri K. 2014 Theses PhysicsNanoscienceSuperconductivityGrapheneFermi surfacesDirac equationQuantum Hall effect
174. A Measurement of the Jet Multiplicity in Di-lepton Final States of ttbar Events Urbaniec, Dustin Henry 2013 Theses Particles (Nuclear physics)Jets (Nuclear physics)Dilepton productionMonte Carlo methodEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research
175. An atom trap trace analysis (ATTA) system for measuring ultra-low contamination by krypton in xenon dark matter detectors Yoon, Taehyun 2013 Theses MicrophysicsAstrophysicsKryptonXenonDark matter (Astronomy)ArgonTrace analysisNational Science Foundation (U.S.)Columbia University
176. Charged Particle Multiplicity and Open Heavy Flavor Physics in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC Chen, Yujiao 2013 Theses PhysicsHeavy ion collisionsParticles (Nuclear physics)--FlavorProton-proton interactionsMonte Carlo methodQuarksMuons
177. Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown Pristine and Chemically Doped Monolayer Graphene Zhao, Liuyan 2013 Theses Condensed matterPhysicsChemical vapor depositionGrapheneCopper crystalsMonomolecular films
178. Control study of two-particle correlations in heavy ion collisions at RHIC-PHENIX Vazquez, Eric 2013 Theses Nuclear physicsPhysicsParticles (Nuclear physics)Heavy ion collisionsQuark-gluon plasmaJets (Nuclear physics)
179. Cosmology with Weak Lensing Peaks Yang, Xiuyuan 2013 Theses AstrophysicsDark matter (Astronomy)Gaussian Markov random fieldsBaryons
180. Exploring the String Landscape: The Dynamics, Statistics, and Cosmology of Parallel Worlds Ahlqvist, Stein Pontus 2013 Theses PhysicsTheoretical physicsString modelsTunneling (Physics)Vacuum