111. Ricci flow and positivity of curvature on manifolds with boundary Chow, Tsz Kiu Aaron 2023 Theses MathematicsRicci flowManifolds (Mathematics)Curvature
112. Sato-Tate Problem for GL(3) Zhou, Fan 2013 Theses MathematicsAutomorphic formsEigenvaluesFourier series
113. Sections and unirulings of families over the projective line Pieloch, Alexander 2022 Theses MathematicsAlgebra, HomologicalHomology theoryAnalytic functionsAlgebraic varieties
114. Self-duality and singularities in the Yang-Mills flow Waldron, Alex 2014 Theses MathematicsYang-Mills theoryGeometry, RiemannianHomology theoryFourth dimension
115. Simultaneous twists of elliptic curves and the Hasse principle for certain K3 surfaces Pal, Vivek 2016 Theses MathematicsEquationsGeometry, DifferentialCurves, Elliptic
116. Singular Solutions to the Monge-Ampere Equation Mooney, Connor R. 2015 Theses MathematicsMonge-Ampère equationsHausdorff measures
117. Singular theta lifts and near-central special values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions Garcia, Luis Emilio 2013 Theses MathematicsAutomorphic formsCurves, Algebraic
118. Soergel Diagrammatics for Dihedral Groups Elias, Ben 2011 Theses MathematicsHecke algebrasWeyl groups
119. Some canonical metrics on Kähler orbifolds Faulk, Mitchell 2019 Theses MathematicsOrbifoldsKählerian structuresGeometry, Differential
120. Some Exactly Solvable Models And Their Asymptotics Rychnovsky, Mark 2021 Theses MathematicsBrownian motion processesEpidemiologyMathematical modelsStochastic processes--Mathematical modelsProbabilities