31. In the Shadow of the White Man's Burden: Black Americans and the Philippines, 1898-1903 Dentler, Jonathan 2011 Theses African AmericansHistory
32. Menace to Democracy: The Forgotten Lessons of Watergate that Continue to Plague the Presidential Records Act Shiflett, Jacob 2011 Theses HistoryTransparency in government--Law and legislationPresidential Records Act of 1978 (United States)
33. Mr. America's Creator: The Race Science of Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, 1896-1943 Magaña, Linda 2011 Theses History
34. Reflections on a Reform: Inside the Moroccan Family Code Salia, Rachel 2011 Theses Islamic civilizationIslam--Customs and practicesNorth Africans
35. Reputation and Reality in America's Model Town: Remembering Racial Integration in Teaneck, New Jersey, 1949-1968 Mark, Rachel 2011 Theses HistoryAfrican Americans
36. Skirting the Issue: Interweaving Dress into Sociopolitical Histories Schwartz, Jessica 2011 Theses History, ModernWomen's studies
37. The Awakening of the Syrian Army: General Husni al-Za'im's Coup and Reign, 1949: Origins of the Syrian Army's Enduring Role in Syrian Politics Whitman, Elizabeth 2011 Theses History
38. The Chosen Conflict: The Americanizing Effect of the Civil War on the Jewish Community Grossman-Boder, Yonatan 2011 Theses JewsHistoryAmerican Civil War (1861-1865)
39. The Votes of the "Privileged Fair": Women's Suffrage in New Jersey, 1776-1807 Fisher, Louis 2011 Theses HistoryWomen's studies
40. Tiberius Gracchus to the East: A Study of Korean Historiography of Tiberius Gracchus' Agrarian Reform from the '70s to the '90s Hyeon Ah Joh, Danielle 2011 Theses History, AncientAsiansCivilization, ClassicalClassical antiquities