1. A Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, Inside an Enigma: The Formation of a Modern Peacetime U.S. Intelligence Structure, 1943-1949 Adzhiashvili, Esther 2010 Theses History
2. Base Logic: The Military Integration of Spain into the Atlantic Community, 1945-1953 Mendoza, Raul 2010 Theses History
3. From Middle America to the Inner City: How the National School Lunch Program Became Black in the 1960s and 1970s Parsons, Amanda 2010 Theses History
4. From the Campus to the Underground: The Formation of the Weathermen Imperatore, Paul 2010 Theses History
5. "Let Our Little People Go Free": Felix Adler's Campaign for Social Justice in the Progressive Era Lifshitz, Esther 2010 Theses History
6. Mary, Quite Contrary: Mary Steichen Calderone and the Entangled Ideology of Sixties Era Sex Education Brafman, Sarah 2010 Theses History
7. Meet the New Boss: Stilicho, the rise of the magister utriusque militiae and the path to irrelevancy of the position of Western Emperor Cancella, Michael 2010 Theses History
8. Miracles and Redemptive Aspirations: Theology in the Thought of Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin Saccomanno, Hilary 2010 Theses History
9. Protection in Practice: The Minorities Section of the League of Nations Secretariat, 1919-1934 Smejkal, Thomas 2010 Theses History
10. Public Displays of Knowledge: The Scientific Spectacle of Quackery in England, 1660-1740 Mihailescu, Ion 2010 Theses History