1. “Our Case Is Not Complete”: Sherlock Holmes, Victorian Spiritualism, and the Scientific Use of the Imagination Ashe, Nathan 2013 Theses English literatureSpirituality
2. The Fabulous Grace of God: on revolutions in gay styles of dramatic literature through the onset of the HIV/AIDS crisis in America Mineo, Alessio 2014 Theses TheaterHistoryGay and lesbian studiesSexual minoritiesLGBTQ+ people
3. Tilting After the Trenches: The Quixotic Return of Heroism in G.K. Chesterton’s Modernism Foster, Luke 2015 Theses English literature
4. What Maisie Knew and How Henry James Exploited Her Knowledge: A Sacrifice of Character Polkes, Aliza J. 2014 Theses American literature
5. William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and the Immortalized Artist: On the Successes and Failures of Thomas Sutpen’s Ruthless Design Gamble, Kate V. 2014 Theses American literatureFaulkner, William, 1897-1962Absalom, Absalom! (Faulkner, William)
6. "With Double Sense Deluding": Revealing Iteration in Milton's Paradise Regained Stubbs, Percy 2015 Theses British literatureIrish literature