1. A Bayesian genome screening of maximum number of drinks as an alcoholism phenotype with the new Haseman-Elston method Oh, Cheongeun; Wang, Shuang; Liu, Nianjun; Chen, Liang; Zhao, Hongyu 2005 Articles Bayesian statistical decision theory--Data processingHuman gene mappingLinkage (Genetics)Alcoholism--Genetic aspectsGeneticsBiometryMedical sciences
2. Comparison of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites in inference of population structure Liu, Nianjun; Chen, Liang; Wang, Shuang; Oh, Cheongeun; Zhao, Hongyu 2005 Articles Microsatellites (Genetics)Human population genetics--ResearchSingle nucleotide polymorphismsBiometryGeneticsDemography
3. Whole-genome association analysis to identify markers associated with recombination rates using single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites Huang, Song; Wang, Shuang; Liu, Nianjun; Chen, Liang; Oh, Cheongeun; Zhao, Hongyu 2005 Articles Single nucleotide polymorphismsMicrosatellites (Genetics)Gene mappingGenetic recombination--ResearchGeneticsBiometry
4. Whole-genome association studies on alcoholism comparing different phenotypes using single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites Chen, Liang; Liu, Nianjun; Wang, Shuang; Oh, Cheongeun; Carriero, Nicholas; Zhao, Hongyu 2005 Articles Microsatellites (Genetics)Alcoholism--Genetic aspectsGenetic polymorphismsGeneticsBiometryMedicine
5. Whole-genome linkage analysis in mapping alcoholism genes using single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites Wang, Shuang; Huang, Song; Liu, Nianjun; Chen, Liang; Oh, Cheongeun; Zhao, Hongyu 2005 Articles Microsatellites (Genetics)Gene mappingAlcoholism--Genetic aspectsSingle nucleotide polymorphismsBiometryBioinformaticsGenetics