1. Synchrony between the Central Atlantic magmatic province and the Triassic-Jurassic mass-extinction event? Whiteside, Jessica H.; Olsen, Paul E.; Kent, Dennis V.; Fowell, Sarah J.; Et-Touhami, Mohammed 2007 Articles Paleoclimatology
2. Synchrony between the Central Atlantic magmatic province and the Triassic-Jurassic mass-extinction event? Reply to Marzoli et al. Whiteside, Jessica H.; Olsen, Paul E.; Kent, Dennis V.; Fowell, Sarah J.; Et-Touhami, Mohammed 2008 Articles Paleoclimatology
3. Climatically driven biogeographic provinces of Late Triassic tropical Pangea Whiteside, Jessica H.; Grogan, Danielle S.; Olsen, Paul E.; Kent, Dennis V. 2011 Articles PaleobiogeographyTriassic Geologic Period
4. Implications of the Newark Supergroup-based astrochronology and geomagnetic polarity time scale (Newark-APTS) for the tempo and mode of the early diversification of the Dinosauria Olsen, Paul E.; Kent, Dennis V.; Whiteside, Jessica H. 2011 Articles GeologyPaleontology
5. Revised Stratigraphy of Late Triassic Age Strata of the Dan River Basin (Virginia and North Carolina, USA) Based on Drill Core and Outcrop Data Olsen, Paul E.; Reid, Jeffrey C.; Taylor, Kenneth B.; Whiteside, Jessica H.; Kent, Dennis V. 2015 Articles Geology, StratigraphicGeology
6. Colorado Plateau Coring Project, Phase I (CPCP-I): A continuously cored, globally exportable chronology of Triassic continental environmental change from Western North America Olsen, Paul E.; Geissman, John W.; Kent, Dennis V.; Gehrels, George E.; Mundil, Roland; Irmis, Randall; Lepre, Christopher J.; Rasmussen, Cornelia; Giesler, Dominique; Parker, William; Zakharova, Natalia; Kürschner, Wolfram M.; Miller, Charlotte; Baranyi, Viktoria; Schaller, Morgan F.; Whiteside, Jessica H.; Schnurrenberger, Douglas; Noren, Anders; Shannon, Kristina Brady; O'Grady, Ryan; Colbert, Matthew W.; Maisano, Jessie; Edey, David; Kinney, Sean T.; Molina-Garza, R.; Bachmann, Gerhard H.; Sha, Jingeng; CPCD team 2018 Articles Drill core analysisTriassic Geologic PeriodEarth sciencesGeological timeSequence stratigraphy
7. Mapping solar system chaos with the Geological Orrery Olsen, Paul E.; Laskar, Jacques; Kent, Dennis V.; Kinney, Sean Thomas; Reynolds, David J.; Sha, Jingeng; Whiteside, Jessica H. 2019 Articles Solar systemPlanets--OrbitsChaotic behavior in systemsAstronomy