81. Contextual bias and insulation against bias during aesthetic rating. The roles of VMPFC and DLPFC in neural valuation Kirk, Ulrich; Freedberg, David A. 2015 Chapters (Layout Features) NeurosciencesArtsPsychobiology
82. Neural Circuits Underlying Motor Facilitation during Observation of Implied Motion Concerto, Carmen; Al Sawah, Mohomad; Infortuna, Carmenrita; Freedberg, David A.; Chusid, Eileen; Aguglia, Eugenio; Battaglia, Fortunato 2015 Articles Motor cortexSensorimotor integrationMagnetic brain stimulationNeurosciencesKinesiologyMedicine
83. Observation of Implied Motion in a Work of Art Modulates Cortical Connectivity and Plasticity [C. Concerto, C. Infortuna, L. Mineo, M. Pereira, D. Freedberg, E. Chusid, E. Aguglia, F. Battaglia, Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 12(5)] Concerto, Carmen; Mineo, Ludovico; Pereira, Manuel; Freedberg, David A.; Chusid, Eileen; Aguglia, Eugenio; Battaglia, Fortunato 2016 Articles Visual perceptionSensory neuronsMotion in artMichelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564Sistine Chapel (Vatican Palace, Vatican City)
84. The Fear of Art: How Censorship Becomes Iconoclasm Freedberg, David A. 2016 Articles IconoclasmArt--CensorshipArt--Political aspectsArt and society
85. From Absorption to Judgment: Empathy in Aesthetic Response Freedberg, David A. 2017 Chapters (Layout Features) Empathy in artEmpathyCognitive neuroscienceJudgment (Aesthetics)Art and history
86. Iconoclasm Freedberg, David A. 2017 Chapters (Layout Features) IconoclasmArt and religionPornographyArt--Philosophy
87. Los tesoros ocultos del Museo del Prado Serraller, Francisco Calvo; Ameijeiras, Rocio Sanchez; Maroto, Pilar Silva; Strehlke, Carl Brandon; Freedberg, David A.; Borras, Gonzalo M; Sellink, Manfred; Valdivieso, Enrique; Cherry, Peter; Portus, Javier; Mira, Letizia Arbeteta; Marqués, Manuela B Mena; Bray, Xavier; Baron, Javier; Reyero, Carlos; Fernandez-Galiano, Luis 2017 Articles Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin MaryPainting, ItalianAntonello, da Messina, 1430?-1479Museo del Prado
88. Gombrich and Warburg : Making and Matching, Grasping and Comprehending Freedberg, David A. 2018 Chapters (Layout Features) ArtArt--PsychologyNeurosciences and the artsCognitive psychologyGombrich, E. H. (Ernst Hans), 1909-2001Art and illusion (Gombrich, E. H.)
89. Cognitive framing modulates emotional processing through dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex networks: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study Kirk, Ulrich; Freedberg, David A. 2020 Articles Visual perceptionVisual cortex--ExperimentsPrefrontal cortexBrain--Magnetic resonance imagingAmygdaloid bodyEmotions
90. Seven Keys to Kentridge Freedberg, David A. 2020 Articles Art, South AfricanPainting, South AfricanPuppet theaterSculpture, South AfricanKentridge, William, 1955-