31. This summer’s research, #CUinFiji and tweeting an expedition Drew, Joshua Adam 2013 Essays Biology
37. Biodiversity Inventories and Conservation of the Marine Fishes of Bootless Bay, Papua New Guinea Drew, Joshua Adam; Buxman, Charlene L.; Holmes, Darcae D.; Mandecki, Joanna L.; Mungkaje, Augustine J.; Richardson, Amber C.; Westneat, Mark W. 2012 Articles Ecology
38. Broader Impacts Lecture Drew, Joshua Adam 2012 Presentations (Communicative Events) Physical anthropologyEcology
39. Comparative Phylogeography in Fijian Coral Reef Fishes:A Multi-Taxa Approach towards Marine Reserve Design Drew, Joshua Adam; Barber, Paul H. 2012 Articles Marine biologyMarine ecologyEnvironmental managementWildlife conservation