2023 Data (Information)
Human Cervix Spherical Indentation Data
These files contain mechanical data of the spherical indentation of human cervices in different anatomical locations and different pregnant status.
The Geometries.xlsx contains the geometry information of each sample. The information includes the the pregnant status (NP = nonpregnant, PG = pregnant), the anatomical locations (IO = internal os, EO = external os), and anatomical quandrants (A = anterior, P = posterior, L = left, R = right) . Thickness represents the thickness of the tissue sample. Radius represents the measured radius of the tissue sample. Indentation depth represents the total indented displacement during the indentation tests.
The folder Force contains the experimental data for each case with the name denoting the sample information. All data are obtained using the universal testing machine – Instron Tester.
Within each file, t/Time respresents the time series with unit s; d/Extension represents the displacement of the indenter with the unit mm; F/Force represents the force response with the unit N.
Human-Cervix-Indentation--Data.zip application/zip 7.66 MB Download File
More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Mechanical Engineering
- Published Here
- April 28, 2023