A letter from Ermengard


Ermengard of Carcassonne



Translated letter:

To the holy place of St. Mary mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was founded in the city of Nîmes, I, Ermengard , viscountess in the name of God, whose spirit is very pleased, with noone compelling by order or persuading by spirit, on my own and spontaneously, my good will chose for me that I wish to give to that altar of St. Mary, as I now do, something of my allod which I have in the county of Nîmes in the territory of the town of St. Stephen of Alverno, in that town and in that territory I give to St. Mary one property which Ricolf and his wife Aurutia farmed, with its court and garden and exits, fields barren and cultivated, vineyards, etc.  I Ermengard give to the lady St. Mary for the remedy of my soul, that God may have mercy on my soul. If anyone should wish to disturb or breach this charter of donation at any time, let him be cursed, etc.  This charter of donation was made on the feast day of St. John the Baptist, at the basilica of St. Mary under the elm, in the presence of Frotar the old bishop, and in the presence of Spirano and Peter Tallefer, and Bernard Aguillon, and Bernard Bertran, and William Sabemo, and William of Clarensac, and Gerald of Bernizo.  Baro, priest, wrote it.

Original letter:

Ad locum sacrum sanctae Mariae matris Domini nostri Jesu Christi, quae est fundata in civitate Nemausense, ego in Dei nomine Ermingarda vicecomitissa qui placuit animus ipse placet valde, ut nullius cogentis imperio nec suadentis animo, & ex propria & spontanea hoc elegit mihi mea bona voluntas, ut ad ipsum altare Sanctae Mariae donare volo, quod ita facio, aliquid de alode meo quem ego habeo in comitatu Nemausensi in terminio de villa Sancti Stephani de Alverno, in ipsa villa vel in ipsis terminiis dono ad Sanctam  Mariam unum mansum quod Ricolfus & uxor sua Aurutia excolit, cum curte & horto & exevis suis, campis hermis & cultis, vineis, &c.  Ego Hermingarda dono ad dominam sanctam Mariam pro remedio animae meae, quod Dominus habeat misericordiam animae meae.  Si quis contra hanc cartam donationis istae ullo tempore inquietare vel irrumpere voluerit, maledictionem accipiat, &c.  Facta carta donationis ista in ipsa die festivitatis sancti Johannis Baptistae, a la Regia sancta Maria subter ulmo, in praesentia Froterii episcopi veteris, & in praesentia Spirani, & Petronis Talleferri, Bernardi Aguillonis, & Bernardi Bertrani, & Willelmi Sabemo, & Willelmi de Clarenciaco, & Giraldo de Bernizo.  Baro presbyter scripsit.

Historical context:

A donation of a property by the viscountess to a church in Nîmes.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc 5.617, #318, CCLXII.  


c.1075, June 24



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