A letter from Rudolph


Rudolph, king of Burgundy


Ermengarde of Savoy

Translated letter:

Rudolph, king of Burgundy, gives his wife Ermengarde certains lands in the county or district of Grévisaudan and Savoy, namely Aix, Lemenc, Chambéry, and the town of St. Cassin.  Sign of Rudolph, king.  Franco, in place of chancellor Paldolf wrote it.1016.  In the city Strasburg. 

Original letter:

Rodulfiis, rex Burgundiae, donat Irmengardae conjugi suae quasdam terras in comitatu seu in pago Gratianopolitano vel Savojensi, videlicet Aquis, Lemmengis, Camberiacum, et Castrum B. Cassiani. 

S. Rodulphi regis. Franco vice Paldolfi cancellarii scripsit. 1016.  In civitate Argentina.

Historical context:

A summary of the charter in which the king gives his wife lands in Savoy.   The editor, Carutti, notes that the charter gives 1014, but the 24th year of Rudolph's reign, which would make it 1016.

Manuscript source:

Chart. Cath. Ecc. Viennensis transcripsit P. De Rivaz. 

Printed source:

Regesta Comitum Sabaudiae, ed. Dominico Carutti (Turin:  Fratres Bocca, 1889), 14, #41.





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