
Literary Archives in the Digital Age: An Overdue Conversation with Dr. Lise Jaillant

Martin-Hardin, Amanda

This episode grapples with the many implications of one big question: what happens to literary archives when most of the work and communications around book publishing now occurs digitally? Columbia literature curator Lina Moe sits down with Lise Jaillant–an author, researcher, and lecturer at Loughborough University–to discuss this.

Lise Jaillant’s research lies at the intersection of Digital Humanities, Book History and Modernist Studies. Her core expertise is on literary institutions: she has written extensively about the publishers that marketed the new literature of the early twentieth century. She also has expertise on born-digital archives and the issues of preservation/access to these archives, which Lina and Lise discuss at length in this episode.

While this conversation primarily focuses on digital archives in the publishing industry, it also touches on the larger significance of how to preserve archives for future generations to access in an increasingly digital world.


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Academic Units
Overdue Conversations
Published Here
November 29, 2022


This episode's duration is: 54:29